Chapter 5 training for new avengers

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In the Marvel Universe Captain America was training new Avengers members in a practice exercise. The members he training were Falcon, Black Panther, Vision and Captain Marvel.

Captain America: Being an Avengers, is more than just being a hero. It about being in a team that makes a big impact in the world. But before you four can do that, you have to start small. So, show me what you got.

Captain Marvel: I thought you never ask!

Captain Marvel then charge at Captain America, but Captain America jumped over her and threw his shield at her. But Captain Marvel fired her energy blast to stop Captain America shield, but Captain America then punch her. Then Vision fired his laser at Captain America. But Captain America flipped his Shield with his leg and blocked Vision attack.

While was shielding himself, Black Panther tried to Clawed him. But then Captain America move and got Black Panther hit by Vision's beam. Captain America then threw his shield and Vision grab it, only to have Captain America push the Vision back. Falcon then surrounded Captain America with his razor feathers making sure that he does not escape.

Falcon: looks like you got nowhere to go!

Then Captain Marvel charge at Captain America. But Captain America jumped up to the air and started riding Captain Marvel and then jumped off and punch Falcon down to the ground.

Falcon: well, that going to hurt in the morning.

Captain America: that enough. Clearly you are all strong in your own right. However, you all still got a long way to go if you want to be an Avenger. So, keep practicing and you will get there.

Then all four went out of the training hall.

Captain America: how they do?

Hawkeye: they got a long way to go before they can keep up with me.

Black Widow: like you said they are strong. But they lack the thing that they need.

Captain America: yeah, I know. Hopefully they will understand soon.

Hawkeye: yeah but the one thing that concern me, how do we know if Vision won't backstab us?

Captain America: if he did, he would have helped Ultron instead of us. Ultron may have made him, but Vision made his own purpose.

Hawkeye: guess so?

Captain America: Thor, Iron man your back. Did you find Zemo?

Thor: Ah he escaped before we can clutch our hands to him. His more crafter than a hobbit gnome moving away from a dell.

Hawkeye: did any else get that?

Iron man: not really but, we did find a machine. Possibly apart of Zemo plan. I'm scanning it right now, hopefully I'll find out so what it is. So how did the newbies good I'm surprise you didn't send Hulk against them?

Captain America: Hulk a good solider. But not a good teacher.

Iron man: speak of which, where is the big green guy anyway?

Black Widow: his in the kitchen.

Thor: that scoundrel, he better not he my pizza from the night before, or he will face the Thunder god wrath!

IronMan: oh boy.     

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