Chapter 22 the fate of two worlds

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Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom HQ. everything is almost complete for their invasion. Their radar system detected people head towards them at very fast speed. Black Manta saw that and quickly ran and told Baron Zemo and Lex Luthor about this.

Black Manta: we got a big problem. The Justice League are heading this way and their more of them.

Lex Luthor: they must have detected that stone's power and follow us where.

Baron Zemo: then we must kill them.

Lex Luthor: if you knew about the stone power. Then you should have found a way to shield it!

Baron Zemo: but that the thing Luthor. It makes their hope lost with they see our strength.

Lex Luthor: but don't you want to conquer the worlds easier?

Baron Zemo: that the thing Luthor.

Baron Zemo then slammed his hand on the button and said.

Baron Zemo: I don't want it to be easy.

Then all of the Ultron and Manhunter robots they had started flying out of the base and head towards where the Justice League and Avengers were. Then as both Justice League and Avengers got closer to the Legion of Doom HQ. they saw the army of Ultrons and Manhunters power by one of the Infinity stones.

Hawkgirl: well that a big army.

Hawkeye: should have brought more arrows.

Flacon: so how should we handle this?

Captain America and Superman: we fight.

Thor: For Midgard!

Then Thor charge through the army of robots and attack them with his weapon and lighting powers.

Aquaman: well, I'm not goanna be shown off by him.

Then Aquaman attack them with his trident. And then the rest of the Justice League and Avengers join in. then the Ultrons and Manhunters attacked them with their powers. The Manhunters and Ultrons continue to keep firing their laser attacks on to the heroes.

Vision: the power of the Infinity stone is unquestionable. If any of us get hit it could erase us completely.

Flash: so, in other words. Don't get hit. Right.

Then the Flash charge and took some Ultrons robots down. Zatanna then use a spell to make the robots fall apart. Cyborg then fired missiles from his solders taking more down. Then the Manhunters and Ultrons started to gang up on Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Black Widow: remember that trick we use to do in shield?

Hawkeye: you read my mind.

Then Hawkeye fired a smokescreen from his arrow and then zip up with Black Widow, then Hawkeye fired multiple arrows at once taking down Ultrons. While Black Widow threw a gadget that hardwire the Manhunters while shooting at them. Then a beam pass through them at hit the Hulk. But Hulk survived it and got angrier. Then the Hulk dash through and destroyed about 50 of the robots at once by punching and slamming them down to the ground.

John Stewart: hey, how come the Hulk survived that attack?

Iron Man: he absorbs a lot of gamma radiation. And he survived way worst stuff then this.

Then Zatanna hold some of the Manhunters still while Superman fired his laser to Captain America's shield which bounce to the Manhunters. Then more of them show up. Then Heroes began to start getting tried.

Wonder Woman: were getting no where in here.

Black Panther: we need a better plan of attack.

Captain America: agree! Tony can you scan the base from here?

Iron Man: ok give me a second. Jarvis can scan the Legion of doom base?

Jarvis: there are a ton of firewalls sir. I can't decode them all in time.

Iron Man: alright but can you detect the Infinity stone's power from here?

Jarvis: in the radius of the base, it located on the left side of the base sir.

Iron Man: you got it Cap?

Captain America: loud and clear. Superman, Hulk, Stephen, Vision, Flash, Carol keep the robots at bay. Batman, Cyborg, Hawkgirl, Thor, T'Challa, Tony, Romanova, John find the Infinity stone and shut down what causing the robots. Everyone else with me were bring the fight to Zemo and Luthor! Let's move!

Then Captain America lead the charge to the legion of Doom base. The robots tried to block their path but Superman took down with his laser. Meanwhile in the Legion of Doom Headquarters Baron Zemo and Lex Luthor were watching the heroes fight their way through.

Atomic Skull: dude they're on there way here.

Baron Zemo: not all of them.

Lex Luthor: there coming for the stone and for us. you idiots defend the infinity stone while you a lot defend us got it.

Then Black Manta, Clayface, Bane, Metallo, Zoom, Sinestro Tigershark and Executioner left to defend the Infinity stone. While Deathstroke, Taskmaster, Abomination, Moonstone, Blackout, the Living laser, Atomic skull, Solomon Grundy, Cheetah and Killer Frost stay to defend Baron Zemo and Luthor.

Baron Zemo: it surprises how a turn of events can be.

Lex Luthor: I couldn't agree with you more.

Then Baron Zemo pointed his sword on Luthor while Lex point his gun at Zemo.

Lex Luthor: it would appear we have the same idea.

Baron Zemo: from the very start.

Lex Luthor: what are you waiting for attack him!

Baron Zemo: oh, they have no stakes in this feud of ours. Only one of us get to rule everything.

Lex Luthor: then I'll make sure it me that rule all.

Lex then push a button and guns from behind shot at Baron Zemo. He deflects them but got shot from behind from Luthor's gun.

Lex Luthor: hm, that will teach you to-

Baron Zemo: a valuably effort. You might have got me in my old life. When I was still human.

Lex Luthor: what are you?

Baron Zemo: I'm neither alive nor dead.

Baron Zemo then stab Luthor in the heart with his sword.

Baron Zemo: but I'll will make every world mine if that what it takes.

Deathstroke: took you long enough.

BaronZemo: so, time the finishing touches. Destroy all heroes that stand in our way!    

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