Chapter 18 the meeting of two evil groups

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Meanwhile in the DC universe, Baron Zemo and the legion of doom have almost complete on the devices they builded. While the machine to build the Ultron and Manhunters was missing a power source. The device that allow travel to different universe was almost complete.

Baron Zemo: is it done yet Professor Zoom?

Zoom: I've just need to put this in. and it finish.

Baron Zemo: you've done well.

Zoom: but there are things that concern us Zemo.

Baron Zemo: like what?

Zoom: well we should have finish our robot army first and how do we know get its power source.

Baron Zemo: it simple really. We get others to do it.

Then Baron Zemo push a button and a portal was opening. Everyone was shock and was wonder what coming from the other side. Meanwhile in the Marvel universe Lex Luthor was hiding in an underground house, along with the rest of his team. But his team was worry that they will be caught.

The living Laser: ah man this is getting stressful.

Moonstone: Tell me about it, how until we get caught in here?

Lex Luthor: until I say so, so if were you I would shut-up and do as your told!

Abomination: argh I say we kill this nerd and make break for it right here.

Lex Luthor: do that and you miss the greatest opportunity of our lives.

Abomination: what do you mean. All you done is broke us out and stole a box. And I don't see opportunity anywhere.

Then a portal had open behind them.

Abomination: what the hell is that?

Lex Luthor: opportunity.

Then Lex Luthor enter the portal and the rest begin to follow him. Then they arrive in the legion of Doom headquarters. As everyone look at each other. Then Baron Zemo walk up and said.

Baron Zemo: have you collected all that we need.

Lex Luthor: the robot killers of your world and Wakanda secret box.

Baron Zemo: you've done very well now.

Lex Luthor: now you mind telling me what's inside of the box that you still haven't told me.

Baron Zemo: I had to be sure that you hadn't gone to some other world with the prize that we seek. But now I can show what inside.

Baron Zemo then open the box. And the Infinity stone was revealed. This shock some of the Marvel villains to their core.

Lex Luthor: that it, we stole a glowing stone!

Baron Zemo: oh, this far beyond then a glowing stone. It is an Infinity stone.

Then Baron Zemo grab the stone which cause him in grab pain and caused devastating power to be release around him.

Baron Zemo: it's power is beyond comprehends. It power will fuel our army and destroy anything in its path and every universe will be ours!

Baron Zemo then slammed the Infinity Stone to the device and began powering up.

Baron Zemo: quickly upload the Ultron blueprints in the machine and prepare to invade this world!

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