Chapter 19 the plan

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As the Avengers return back to Avengers mansion, they discover that one of their own had kept an Infinity stone and did not told his team about it.

Falcon: dude I can't believe that you had the most powerful and rarest thing in the universe.

Iron Man: ah, I can't really blame him too much. If I was in his shoes I'd do the same.

Captain America: T'Challa... how did your people get an Infinity Stone?

Black Panther: the day we receive the stone was also the day we receive our mineral Vibranium. But we only discover the stone during the end of World War II. We found when we were digging through our Vibranium mines. It nearly destroyed the world. So, we Wakanda's locked away so it never falls to the wrong hands.

Iron Man: yeah great story but, how did Zemo found out about this?

Black Panther: when we found it. It releases a high powerful wave that shock the world.

Captain America: that must be why Baron Zemo was invaded Turkey during World War II.

Falcon: well at least you stop him before he could get his hands on it.

Batman: Back to the matter at hand. Luthor and Zemo have both what they need to take over both of our worlds.

Iron Man: yeah, but they still need to make the army. But we don't where they are.

Doctor Strange: if they are using an Infinity Stone, I believe I can track them.

Hawkeye: seriously?

Doctor Strange: yes Clint. I can also find you a reality where you never used a bow and arrows.

Hawkeye: no thanks!

Batman: Strange!

Doctor Strange: yes, just give me five mins.

Then Doctor Strange teleported. 30 mins later he shows up again.

Hawkeye: hey Wiz man, what took you so long?

Iron Man: maybe his losing his touch.

Doctor Strange: there's a lot of books in my place. Anyway, the Infinity Stone is located in our friend's world in Slaughter Swamp, near Gotham City.

Batman: then that where we strike.

Hulk: Hulk get to smash too.

Captain America: yes.

Hulk then smiled.

Batman: we should regroup with the Justice league and plan our attack.

Hawkgirl: I'm with Batman on this one.

Captain America: alright everyone suit up. 

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