Chapter 12 into the new world

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Meanwhile in the marvel universe. Batman, Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl arrived at the universe where Lex Luthor is hiding. And they were in the Avengers mansion.

Wonder Woman: I wonder where exactly are we?

Hawkgirl: good question. Any ideas detective.

Batman: judging by the stones here, I say we are some where in their worlds in America. Still trying to figuring out what state were in.

Hawkgirl: yeah but if we are in a different reality. Could it be that your wrong Batman?

Batman: no, before coming here I mange to analyse the world. It not to different from ours.

Hawkgirl: maybe be, but still-

Then the Hulk jump through the wall and said.

Hulk: Hulk smash intruders to piece!

Then Hulk dash and punch Wonder Woman to the wall and started attacking her.

Hawkgirl: if the people of this world are all like that, then maybe Luthor did not survive long here.

Then Batman shot at the Hulk with his grapple and charge towards him. And Hawkgirl follow him. Batman then got to the wall and throw a pill that release foam at Hulk face. Then Hawkgirl attack him with her mace. Then the Hulk break the foam and roared. He then punches Hawkgirl and send her to the wall then went for Batman. Batman then threw some Batrangs at Hulk which only made him madder.

Wonder Woman: you alright?

Hawkgirl: the guy punches like a tank.

Wonder Woman: yeah, we should stop him.

Then Vision appear and shot his laser at Hawkgirl.

Vision: stand down. Would be less difficult if you do.

Hawkgirl: yeah right Argh!

Hawkgirl then attack Vision but Vision let Hawkgirl attacks pass right through him. Then Vision grab her arm and jab right through her. As Hulk goes for Batman. Wonder Woman attack him from the behind. Then Hulk Grabs Wonder Woman by the legs and swing her up and down from side to side.

As Vision continuing shoot his laser at Hawkgirl he then said.

Vision: give up you and your friends can't not over power us.

Hawkgirl: not until we found Luthor!

Vision: did you say Luthor?

Then the Vision charge and said to the Hulk.

Vision: Hulk stop these people are not our enemy.

Hulk then roared but stopped.

Vision: we are sorry. About this we both thought that you are intruders. I am Vision. And my friend here is the Hulk.

Hulk: Hulk taking a nap.

Wonder Woman: I'm Diana that Shayera.

Vision: and you are?

Batman: Batman.

Wonder Woman: we apologize for the misunderstanding. But how do you know about Luthor.

Vision: if anyone should be apologizing it should be us. And Luthor has been breaking some of our villains. I must assume that you come from the same place he does.

Hawkgirl: yeah, we just want to bring him back.

Vision: I see. Would you please excuse me for a moment. Captain Rogers, this is Vision. I believe we found some help on Luthor.

Captain America: copy that will be back soon.

After an hour Captain America, Falcon and their friend Doctor strange. Arrive back at Avengers mansion to discuss on Luthor.

Falcon: man, this place is a mess.

Captain America: stay focus Sam. So, in your world, Luthor is a billionaire tycoon that also a villain.

Batman: yes. Clearly, he didn't think of this on his own. Someone told him about this.

Vision: I believe it must have been Zemo. Captain Rogers.

Captain America: yes, but how come your league hasn't spotted Zemo yet?

Batman: clearly Zemo must have been more stealthily then Luthor was.

Hawkgirl: ok but how do we tell our team about this?

Doctor Strange: I can help with that, my name is doctor Stephen Strange, I'm also a sorcerer.

Hawkgirl: so, what are you exactly a doctor or sorcerer?

Doctor Strange: mostly sorcerer, but I can't be a doctor because of a crash done by a brash-

Batman: you crash the car.

Doctor Strange: yes, anyway point being I can open portal to different realities.

Wonder Woman: so, you can take us home anytime.

Doctor Strange: yes.

Wonder Woman: so, we can warn them about Zemo.

Captain America: myself and Strange will go.

Hawkgirl: why don't you trust us?

Captain America: of course, I do but need to form a trust bond with the rest of your team.

Batman: fine.

Then doctor strange teleported himself and Captain America to the DC universe. Then Hawkeye, Black Widow and Captain Marvel came in just as Strange and Captain America left. then Hawkeye said.

Hawkeye: either I lost more blood then I thought or I'm seeing an angel, an amazon and a batman.

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