Chapter 21 Justice League and Avengers assemble

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As the villains prepare to rule the world by invading it. The Justice League and the Avengers prepare themselves for battle. They were gearing up and focusing their thoughts. Then as soon as they were all ready Captain America was goanna give a speech to everyone.

Captain America: Superman before we head out I like to give a speech is that ok.

Superman: by all means.

Captain America: thank you. Everyone listen up, I have something to say. I know that we all don't know each other very well and we are facing this big threat that on us. but that doesn't mean we back down now. We all face similar foes like this. And we always win. The only different is that their two worlds now the line.

But when we cooperate, and show them how justice works, we can change everything so are you willing to fight.

Then the Justice league and Avengers members started clapping.

Captain America: Justice League and Avengers Assemble!

Flash: man, your leader knows how to give a speech.

Iron Man: his born like that.

Then everyone charges to the Slaughter swamps. Batman drive his Batmobile with Captain America inside. John Stewart using his powers to put Aquaman, Black Lighting, Zatanna, Black Panther, Hawkeye and Black Widow a sphere and flew with them.

Hulk started jumping towards the Slaughter swamps. The Flash was run at super speed. The rest of Justice League and Avengers fly towards the Slaughter swamps. With hope on all of their backs counting them to save their worlds. Everyone prepares to face of one of the most challenging moments in their lives. 

Avengers and Justice League defenders of the two worldsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora