Chapter 16 the rise of war

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In the Hall of Justice, Superman and the others were trying to figure out where Barron Zemo is.

Superman: anyone here of anything?

Black Lighting: I just called with the Warden of Belle Reve. And he said that no one broke in or out of their facility.

Superman: maybe he found a group and went to them.

John Stewart: it does sound possible. There are a number of villains that aren't in jail.

Flash: um guys, Star labs been robbed.

Superman: what?

Flash: yeah, Professor Hamilton was on the phone he said that Clayface, Metallo Killer Frost and Sinestro stormed the building stole something important.

Superman: ok Barry, John and I will see what they stole in Star labs. The rest of you-

Aquaman: don't when we find them, we will make Zemo regret coming here.

And so, Superman, Flash and John Stewart left to find out what Sinestro and others stole. They arrived and look on the damage in Star Labs.

Superman: Professor.

Professor Hamilton: Superman, Flash, Green Lantern I'm glad you came.

Flash: is everyone ok?

Professor Hamilton: yes, shaken but alright.

John Stewart: could you example what happen here.

Professor Hamilton: well I wasn't around but from what the staff can tell me, is that these villains came and looked for something here. We have been looking on what they have stolen, but we haven't found out what they took yet. We believe that Clayface went in this safe and took something out in it.

Superman: have you figure out what they took in here?

Professor Hamilton: we are still searching in it, once we know what they stole we will let you know.

Star lab staff: Sir we know what they stole!

Flash: what is it?

Star lab staff: that the thing sir, they stole... the Manhunter blue prints.

John Stewart: not the Manhunters!

Flash: dude, this is not good.

Professor Hamilton: I am so sorry Superman.

Superman: it ok, it's not your fault.

John Stewart: hey it just accurate to me.

Superman: what is it?

John Stewart: if Zemo knows about the Manhunters. Is it possible that Luthor knows the same thing like the Manhunters?

Flash: it does sound possible, don't you think.

Superman: it does. Flash get back to the Hall of Justice and start the Cosmic treadmill again. And tell Black Lighting that we need to send him to Captain America and find out more information.

Then Flash dash through and left Star labs.

Professor Hamilton: what happen now?

Superman: a lot has happened Professor. But we can sure use your help on finding where they went.

Professor Hamilton: of course, all of Star labs is at your disposal.

Superman: Thank you.

And so, Superman found out that Lex and Zemo are building to build an army of robot Manhunters and possibly more to take over the world. But will they stop them in time. 

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