Big surprised

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Adrien  (p.o.v)

It was weird to see Marinette sad like that. I wounded what happen in the principal  office. Usually she would at least tell alya. Nino and I was ok with that because we would find out later. But she never even told alya.

Nino -  Dude are you okay you have sitting there looking in space.

Adrien - Uh oh yah I am fine just thinking why Marinette never told alya or even us what was the matter.

Alya- Yeah I know usually should tell me everything. But she didn't even try this time.

Nino - Maybe she just needs time to think about this. She probably just wanted to make sure that everything she found out made since. Before she told any of us.

Adrien - You know Nino that actually make since.

Alya - I have to agree with adrien  on this. You have actually made some since.

Nino - Well thank I guess.

       Meanwhile with Marinette

Marinette  (p.o.v)

Marinette - I am back I so sorry.

Principal - It is ok we were just talking while we were waiting.

Mama - Anyways Marinette you are also going to go because you have your coronation.

Marinette -  What what do you mean?

Papa - Your coronation is so you can become our queen.

Marinette  - What become queen , coronation  what.

Mama - Listen every princess goes through this. Now you will still go with your class.

Papa - But you will have guards and private plane and a limo.

Marinette - What a private plane and a limo omg !

Mama and Papa - Yes yes you are.

Mama - You can tell your friends and can bring them with you on the plane and limo.

Marinette - No I can't tell them at all. Well maybe alya but no one else.

Papa- Ok but they find out because of your coronation.

Marinette - Ok well better go back to class see you later .

Time Skip ( in the classroom)

Marinette  (p.o.v)

I walk into the classroom and see eyes looking at me . While I was going to sit in my seat. Then someone touch my shoulder.

Alya- Hey what's wrong? You know you can tell anything right.

Marinette - Yeah I know that is why I need to talk to you after school.

Alya- Ok I can't wait to hear this. Is it bad news that you got. Are you moving to another country. Is your mother sick. Are you moving to a different school.

Marinette - Alya calm down it nothing like that. I am not moving. No my mother is not sick at all. Also I am not moving to a different school.

Alya- Good that is good news to hear.

Marinette - Anyways let's just focused on the project ok.

Alya - Yeah sure let's focuse on the project.

Time skip ( outside of the school)

Alya (p.o.v)

I see my best friend coming to me. She doesn't look good. She looks like she has been kidnapped and then beaten to death. On top of that get thrown in the sharks water. Even though so far what I know there is no sharks here in france.

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