Alya finds out

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Alya (P.O.V)

When Marinette came in the hotel she didn't seem to pay attention.  It was almost like she had something on her mind. I really didn't push it . Well in till she would not respond to any of us not even adrien. Now that was wierd enough. Then when we finally got her attention she spoke with this low disappointment voice. It was almost like she didn't want us as her roommates. But I knew that wasn't true. Something happen during her visit with her parents. Right then and their I intend to find out. When the boys left to look around it was my chance to talk to her.

Alya- So girl what's been going on lately.

Marinette - Nothing is the matter.

Alya - Then why are you like this . You wasn't like this in till you came back from meeting your parents agian.

Marinette - Yah I get it but even at that I doesn't matter.

Alya - Yes it does matter because you were never like this.

Marinette- Yeah I get it I was nothing like this okay. But even at that it won't matter.

Alya - Yes it does because you are my best friend and we don't keep secrects.

Marinette - Fine I will tell you but you can't tell  Nino or Adrien. For right now at least.

Alya - Okay I promise I won't tell Nino or adrien.

Marinette - Ok here it goes my mom and dad is going to put me through a arrange marriage.  The sad part is after tomorrow I have to go through a lot of prince's and choose one. I have to choose one after 2 weeks. Then the week after on a wednesday the one I choose. The one I choose he and I will become king and queen of china.

Alya - What no no this is not happening.

Marinette  (P.O.V)

When I was finished telling Alya I cried. I was crying for an hour it felt like.while Alya was on a rampage I just went over the words what my parents said. The same words I told alya and started to cry agian. Then Alya finally notice after her rampage and comfort me.

Alya - It's ok girl we will find something out. I pinky promise cross my heart hope to die.

Marinette - I know Alya it's just that I don't want to go through all of this. I just want to pick a husband who will not mind being the king of china. It's just to much stress on me. I don't know if I can go through this. I mean being ladybug and having school is enough. Then add being a princess. Now add on top of that I have an arrange marriage. Even add on top of that I have to choose between the prince's too. So yeah I have a lot of stress. Also do not get me started of stressing about hawkmoth and paris.

Alya - Ok ok girl come down breathe in and out.

Marinette - (breathes in and out)

Alya - Now we will figure it out together.

Marinette - Ok sounds like a plan.

Alya - Ok how about this you go to sleep and in the moring we will get ready.

Marinette - Get ready for what?

Alya - Mrs. Bustier told us that we are going to China's museum.

Marinette - OMG that is my favorite place to go. Well besides my home in my room.

Alya- (laughs ) Ok well let's go to bed I take the right you take the left. Does that sound like a plan.

Marinette - Yes it does sound like a plan.

Alya - Well good night

Marinette - Goodnight

Adrien  (P.O.V)

Nino and I was just looking around the hotel. Then we got back to our hotel room that we share with the girls. We heard them fighting Alya scream something the mari scream something back.We did nothing we just walk away. All we thought that they were just fighting over something stupid. Then there was silence so we turn back around. Then all of a sudden I hear mari crying. Now I was getting mad her best friend made her cry for a stupid thing. Then we heard Alya rampageing. I wanted to go in there. But I felt a hand on my shoulder and I new what that meant. We should just listen before we go in the room. So we listen and mari started to cry. I didn't know why. But then I heard something about arrange marriage.  Then Alya said we can go through this together. At least something like that. I was not paying that much attention.  Then Alya said that they should go to bed and they did. Then Nino and I went in and saw the two girls sleeping in different beds. I guess either they are still mad at eachother. Or was just tired they just pick a bed without noticing.

Nino- So I am going to sleep with alya on her bed ok.

Adrien - That is fine by me i will sleep with mari in the same bed.

Nino - Ok do you know what that problems was.

Adrien - I only heard pieces of it so no.

Nino - Well ok see you in the moring.

Adrien - See you in the moring.

( Next moring)

Marinette  (P.O.V)

I woke up to feeling warm. I thought it was the blanket.  The I turn around and saw it was adrien. OMG Adrien is sleeping with me agian. The pair of arms pulled me closer to him. It was like he was trying to protect me. Well time to get up.

Marinette - Wake up Adrien we have to get ready.

Adrien - 5 minutes please mari

Marinette - (blushes) I don't think so. How about this we wake up get dress and scar Nino and Alya to death to wake them up.

Adrien - I am awake let's do this. It is time for payback on what they did on the plane.

Marinette - Ok so let's get dress.

(After charging clothes and scaring Nino and alya)

Alya - You guys knows you are getting payback.

Marinette - (laughs) Yes but it was funny.

Adrien - (laughs) Yeah it was way to funny.

Nino - laugh now but we will get our payback.

Marinette - Fine but let's go.

Alya - ok

( In the hallway of the hotel)

Mrs.Bustier - Alright class time to go on the bus. We are going to the China museum.

Marinette - (excited)

Mrs.Bustier - The partners are-


Words - 1091 words that I did


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