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Adrien  (P.O.V)

When I saw her with him hugging and him twirl her around. Well I was heated like crazy. At first I was fine with that because I calm down. Then he called her princess. Well that didn't go well. I am the only one that can call jhead princess. Nobody else not even him. Of course I said only her closest friends call her that. But that was just a cover up. I am the only and I repeat I am the only one to call her princess. Then she defended him like he was a baby. It almost broke me. But what hurt worst is that she said we were just friends. Then agian I did suspect that since I love ladybug. Yeah that's it my heart is only for ladybug. Then why do I feel this way when she is with him. I could not be jealous.  Could I be jealous of mari hanging around other boys than me and nino. Nah I don't think so she just a friend. Like she said I am just a friend. That is ok because my heart belongs to lady bug.

Alya - Adrien wow are you jealous of mari hanging around someone else.

Adrien - No I am not jealous. I was putting him through a test. To make sure that he is worthy of her time.

Nino - Dude you were totally jealous.  I mean we all saw it.

Chloe - Why would my ADRIENKINS be jealous of MARITRASH .

Adrien - Chloe do not call Marinette maritrash got it.

Chloe - but

Adrien - No buts don't call her that. You know you can hurt people feelings by calling them names. Don't you understand that.

Chloe - Ok but only for you adrienkins not for her.

Alya - See you like her no not just like her you love her.

Adrien - I don't like Marinette like that. I like her as a friend.

Alya - Then why did you yell at Chloe for calling Marinette a name. We all know that she calls her that. You  even hear but we try our best to help her with her Chloe situation.

Adrien - I don't like her that way and I just can't stand her calling mari that name.

Nino - Whatever dude you will come to a realisation soon enough.

Adrien - I doubt it but ok let's just go to the hotel.

Alya - Yah

Marinette  (P.O.V)

I have never saw adrien like that. It was almost like he was jealous.  Then I don't know why he would be jealous of me. I am only a simple girl. Well besides being a princess of china. Also being ladybug but he doesn't know any of it. I just don't get what is wrong with him. Well right now I have to get ready to see the castle and talk with my mom and dad.

Marinette - Wow this castle is amazing. Rayan the castel is amazing just as I just remember.

Rayan - (laughs) I know but think about it this way your home.

Marinette - I can't wait to get out of this limo and get In the castle.

Rayan - Me too and I get to show you your room.

Marinette - Ok

We are now entering into the castle.

Marinette - Wow just as imagine it. Also how I remember it.

Rayan - I know and what your mom and dad is going to tell you is going to be awsome.

Marinette - Ok but after you showing my room. Also me and my parents talk . I have to go to the hotel with my classmates.

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