Last Fight between Friends

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Marinette  (P.O.V)

Now it is time to put the plan in action. Adrien, Me,and Jayden went to tell them that it is time to end this. While Molly,Alya, and Nino is getting ready for anything. So right now we are at their house and about to tell them

Jayden- You ready

Marinette - Yes

Jayden- Ok let's go and get this over with.

Adrien - What happens when we win.

Marinette - Then it is over

Adrien - How do we know if we win.

Jayden - If they say they give up or we kill them.

Adrien - What

Marinette - It's the only way

Adrien - (breathes in and out ) Ok

Marinette - (knocks on their door) You guys hide ok

Both - Ok

Lucy- Look boys guess who is here.

Marinette - Hey

Luka - Wow mari you finally decied to come.

Marinette - (roll eyes ) No I am here because I like to be here.

Cole - No need for sarcasm

Marinette - Well certainly it does.

Jake- Whatever what are you doing here.

Marinette - Well first I have a couple people with me. Come out
Jayden- Hey guys

Adrien - Glad to meet you guys agian well not really.

Lucy- I see you brought friends

Marinette - You mean friend and boyfriend Dont push your luck right now.

Cole- Aww did we get you fired up or something.

Marinette - Try me and you will be dead.

Jake- Like never

Marinette - Whatever I just came here to give you a message.

Luka- That is what?

Marinette - It is time to end this. The came will be over and it is today. We will meet at the abounded place. The last time we were there and the time is. 8:00pm sharp not a minute late or you will lose without fighting got it.

Lucy - Got it see you

Jayden- See you

(In the car)

Adrien - Wow mari you really told them.

Marinette - Thanks but we have to get this done.

Jayden - Hey why don't you just bring your demon out during the fight.

Marinette - No

Jayden - But maybe we have a way more chance then what we have.

Marinette - I am not going to

Jayden- You have Adrien he can bring you back.

Marinette - (stops the car) What part of no don't you get.

Jayden - If Adrien gets to you after the fight and calm you down then you will be fine. It might even help you lock your demon up for good.

Marinette - (starts driving) Fine but when I need to. Like if we are losing and we won't win. Then my signal is I will give a wink then Adrien you better be prepared.

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