I am continuing

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I am going to continue starting today.  There will be a chapter publish.  So Ii suggest to get ready. Sad is that I have a sleepover tomorrow right after school. This is intill  Sunday then once my friend leaves. That is when I will update. In less she helps me but I know she won't . So yah excited cause I am.

(screams of excitement )

Keep screaming

Keep screaming

Keep screaming

Keep screaming

Keep screaming

Keep screaming

There now I am done screaming. Now I know what your thinking.

Why are you starting earlier than June 9.

In less you are too excited that you forgot about the date you were supposed to continued.

Well let's just say that my new book that I am making.

Well I just need some adjustments to it.

What I mean about that is I am still looking for the cover.

A cover that makes it pop out from the others.

Also missed writing the chapters in this book. So yah that is one way to explain it.

I also just want to know that I love the people that are reading this.

I know the first chapter wasn't good. Believe me I went over it .

So I am going to add some stuff to it later. Right now I just wanted to tell you the news.

Now I will tell you something. You all should know I am in the play. In less I didn't tell you then I am in a play (surprise )

Anyways after school today the play director told us that we have to go MONDAY,TUESDAY,WEDNSDAY, and THURSDAY. I am so mad we usually got wednsday  off but not now.

So yah it might be slow so I will try to update everyday like I did the last time. I have no clue yet but I will update today if and when I get cleaning for the sleepover. If you want to be clear right now I am just wrighting. So yeah but I might update the next chapter.

Wait for it



Wait your closer

Wait your getting their a couple more.






It will be at 10:00 or 11:00 pm so just look for that time or it maybe be between those times.

The reason why because I have to read the other chapters so I can get more ideas for this chapter.

Since it has been weeks at least I think. It does seem like weeks anyways to me. What about you does it seem Like weeks.

So now that is over I can't wait for the new chapter to be published and for you guys to read it.

It is almost summer and school is ending soon.





Sorry I  just got excited that's all. When summer comes I will upload 2 or 3 chapters a day because I have a whole day. Not a half or quarter a whole day.

So I am excited what about you are you excited.

That is all for now see you later. Also if you have questions about anything. You may ask because I will tell you my answer.

You can ask about my school the play or if you want to just get to know me.

Also I am putting a truth or dare in one of the chapters. It might be the next chapter that I am publishing today. (Winks)

Anyways I see you later make sure that you won't miss the next chapter.

Reason it is interesting just saying. Not saying anything my lips are closed shot lock through away the keys.


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