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Adrien  (P.O.V)
I can't believe that I am not allowed in there with her. Wait a minute if I am not allowed then I can go as chat noir.  I can just sneak outside and transform. Then climb up to her surgery room and be there for her. That sounds like a great plan. So I headed outside to put my plan to action.

Adrien- Hey plagg it is time to transform.

Plagg - Is there an acuma?

Adrien- No have to be there for mari.

Plagg- Really

Adrien- Yes

Plagg- (rolls eyes) Fine

Adrien - Plagg Claws Out

( After transformation  )

Chat Noir- This is purrfect now time to see my purrincess.

(After finding the surgery room)

Chat Noir - Wow she is tough

Plagg-(says it in Adrien head) They put her to sleep stupid.

Chat Noir - How can you talk to me.

Plagg - I am in your head dumbo.

Chat Noir- Mean

Plagg- Sorry (rolls eyes)

Chat Noir - What are they doing to her. This is just clawful  who would do this to my beautiful purrincess.

Plagg- They have to cut her to help her with what is going on.

Chat Noir - Well that isn't purrety I just hope she is ok.

Plagg- She will be fine can we go now.

Chat Noir - Fine but if anything's happen to her then it's your fault.

Plagg - Fine

(After de-transformation )

Nino- Hey Adrien how are you holding up.

Adrien - Ok I guess

Alya- It's going to be fine she is a big girl. If I know my friend really well. Which I do then she will make it.

Adrien- Thanks guys

Tom- No thank you son

Adrien - What

Sabine - Without you guys figuring it out. Well she might have not made it either.

Adrien- It was nothing I would do anything for her.

Tom- Yes and we know that you two are dating. Well I prove of this you will be the king of china. Not now of course when she gets crown then you will.

Adrien - (shocked) O-Ok

Sabine- Come on when is she done with her surgery?

Doctor- Parents and friends of  Ms. Dupian Cheng.

Tom - This is us

Doctor- Well I would like to inform you that surgery went well. Also that the knife was more deep than we thought. Luckily it didn't touch anything important. We fix her stomach and arm. The two big major cuttings. The one on her fingers should go away by the next 2 weeks. Now the bruise on her neck wasn't looking so good. So we check it out. All you have to do is put medicine on it. It should heal after that. But what we didn't understand was how she was able to talk after that punch in the neck. Do you guys have any idea.

Tom-(nervous ) Nope not at all.

Doctor- Ok well you can visit her right now. She is awake but might be a little tired.

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