The End

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Marinette  (P.O.V)

It has been 4 years since the fight with my ex friends. Alya and I with Nino and Adrien have been doing fine. Just last  year.Adrien and I had our first child. Her name was Emma she is 1 year old. They grow up so fast. Anyways Adrien and I became queen and king of china. My mother and father still live in the palace. Alya and nino has a daughter and a son. They both are twins there names are Amy and jack. They are the sweetest little children besides emma. The class stays in the palace with us. Chloe finally stop being mean and accepted that she can't have adrien. Oh did I forget to mention Adrien and I are married. So is Alya and nink also Chloe and nathenial. They make a cute couple too. Right now I am getting ready for Emma's first birthday. We did a Ladybug and Chat Noir theme. Adrien and i decied to tell her stories about our adventures. Even though she is one and she won't understand yet. I still have tiki and adrien still have plagg. We found out hawkmoth was Adrien's Father so he went to prison.  We invited everyone we know to Emma birthday. Which will start in a couple minutes.

Tiki- Marinette

Marinette - Yes

Tiki- I am so proud of you.

Marinette - Thank you tiki I am glad I have you.

Tiki- Me too

Marinette - (giggles) Well we better bring the cake. Also cookies and cheese for plagg.

Tiki- Thank you

Marinette - Your welcome

Adrien - (sneaks up behind Marinette and covers her eyes )

Marinette - Who is this?

Adrien - Guess

Marinette - um are you Spiderman

Adrien - What no

Marinette - How about John

Adrien - No who is John

Marinette - Wait I got it you are um jayden. Man Jayden old pale haven't seen you in a while. How about we go for some coffee and talk.

Adrien - I am not Jayden guess agian.

Marinette - um Molly is it you

Adrien - What I am not a girl thank you very much.

Marinette - Oh well um how about drake no nino.

Adrien - No and why Nino would do this.

Marinette - I don't know I am guessing.

Adrien - (uncovers her eyes )

Marinette - Oh Adrien (laughs)

Adrien- What is so funny you couldn't figure me out.

Marinette - (laughing ) Cause I knew it was you.

Adrien - (pouts) Then why trick me.

Marinette - (laughing ) Cause it is funny.

Adrien - I don't think so

Marinette - I am sorry here let me make it up to you. (Kisses him)  Better

Adrien - (smiling like an idiot) Much

Marinette - Alright time to celebrate Emma birthday.

( After the party)

Marinette - Alright Emma is sleeping and since Alya and nino is her would you guys like a sleepover.

Alya- Girl we live here

Marinette - Thats right I must have forgot being queen and all.

Alya- Hey being a lady in waiting isn't better.

Marinette - True

Adrien - How about we go swimming?

All- Sure

Nino- Ok dudes and dudets let's swim.

(After swimming cause I am lazy )

Marinette - It is nice to hang out with you guys.

Alya- Me two

Nino- Me three

Adrien - Me fourth

Marinette - With everything going on we hardly have time together.

Nino- Yeah and all the classmates won't a party to celebrate so what do you say.

All- Yes

Nino- Cool I can't wait

Adrien - Well time for bed night

Marinette - Yeah night

Alya- Night

Nino- Night

The End

The will be a second book of this so keep out. So while you wait read my other books if you want. Till nezt time bye or see you guys later.

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