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Hope you all are fine and safe with your family and enjoying your life.

Here is the new chapter,



I peeked through the large windows and looked at all those security guards and Maaz' men standing outside, loaded with heavy guns and another weird type of weapons, sending a shiver down my spine, they all look so dangerous with that huge and bulky physique and holding those scary guns, I gulp harder, it seems impossible for me to escape without crossing them, but I have to leave without any of them noticing me, I need a plan, but what shall I do?

I started thinking of a suitable way when an idea came to my mind, I took the car keys from the holder and hide them in my dupatta and return back to the main lounge where Maaz was lying unconscious, I kneel down and checked his pulse, it was normal and he was breathing fine, I planted a kiss on the top of his head and took a deep breath, before running out of the mansion shouting for help, all his men stood straight and looked at me, Steve came forward in an instant,

"What happened Ma'am?" he asked in a hard voice and motion some men to go inside,

"Maaz.... Maaz he fell, I don't know what happened to him, please help me..." I said between my cries, Steve rush inside with his men trailing behind him and there was my chance to escape, so I started running to the underground parking lot and jump inside the car and drove off, I only have a few minutes window and I have to make it count, before anyone could stop me,

My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it pumping in my ears, I try to relax, but all this situation wasn't helping me, I pressed the gas pedal and started driving at full speed to get there as soon as possible.

A security guard stopped me at the gates, I look outside to his cabin and motion him to open the gates through the security camera planted right on the top of the door, he came out of the cabin but didn't open the gates,

"Open the gates, I have to," I shouted,

"Sorry Ma'am, we are not allowed to let anyone pass without Sir Maaz's permission, we had his strict orders, we can't disobey him," he said crossing his hands on his chest,

"Yeah, but he is not feeling well, I have to bring the doctor," I replied to him, but I was also getting terrified with all this inquiry, I started praying,

"You should go back, Ma'am, we will call the doctor and also an ambulance if needed, but we can't allow you to go," he said stubbornly,

"I have been calling for the doctor, but no one has come in the last fifteen minutes, I have to go, just open the damn doors already!" I yelled at him, he stared me for a minute, then push the button inside the cabin and the electronic metal gates started to open, I quickly started the car and drove off.

I don't know how Maaz is going to punish me for what I am doing, but I just couldn't help myself to stop him, I just can't put him in some kind of danger and I know I can handle Uncle.

I know uncle Jawed very well, he wants to use me as a bait for Maaz, he wanted his revenge for killing Alex and I won't let him do that, he will not hurt my loved ones anymore.

I don't know if he is telling me the truth about my mother or not, but if she is alive and his captive, I will not care for a mere second of my life to rescue her from that monster, he has kept her alive and away from us for all these years and I mourn for my parents, I prayed for both of them, I yearned to see them for one more moment, to spend some more time with them, but.... Damn!

HER INNOCENCE TAMED MY MONSTERWhere stories live. Discover now