Becoming a manager

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A green haired man with a suit was walking quickly on a street in Brooklyn. 

"Ahhh I'm gonna be late if I don't find this studio!" said the suited man.

He was watching the map on his phone while holding a briefcase on his other hand. He also had a pair of thin, no frame glasses. He was switching he's view on the phone and on his surroundings looking puzzled. He kept walking on the usually busy street. He spotted a man standing to wait on a taxi in front of him. Zoro quickly went to him.

"Hey! Excuse me, my apologies. Do you know where the Vinsmoke Studio is located?" asked Zoro with an in a rush tone.

"Um. Don't you see that big red door that above says Vinsmoke Studios?" said the guy signaling to what was behind Zoro's back.

Indeed it was a large red door.

"Oh I didn't. Thank you." said Zoro embarrassed turning around. 

Zoro went to the large, red door and rushed in. Even at first glimpse, you could notice how fancy this studio was. Shiny, light-colored wood floor with walls colored in white. Focusing straight ahead, there's a large lobby counter with people professionally dressed doing they're job. As you keep walking, you could see pictures of very famous artists who seems to be products from this studio. A red head, a blue head, a green head, a pink head and a blonde head. Zoro reached the counter.

"Hello, welcome to Vinsmoke Studios. How may I help you?" asked the lady behind the counter.

"I applied my resume for a manager job you guys are seeking." said Zoro seriously.

"Oh yes! What's your name sir?" asked the lady who started to tap on the computer.

"Roronoa Zoro" he replied.

"Ok. Come with me sir." said the lady who started to go up the stairs. 

Zoro followed the lady. Zoro was noticing more pictures on the walls of the same people he saw in the lobby. 

"Are these the only artists who work here? or is the boss obsessed with them?" thought Zoro. 

The lady stopped in front of a door.

"Come in" said the lady.

"Thank you" said Zoro.

Zoro stepped in to what seemed to be a discussion room. It had a round, black table with some white, leather seats. 

"The boss will come in any minute. You can wait for him here. Please, feel free to take a seat." said the lady.

"Thank you mam" replied Zoro.

As he took a seat, the lady left closing the door. Zoro noticed there was more of the same artists pictures on the walls.

"Seriously, what's up with this guy?" asked Zoro to himself. 

While looking at the pictures, for some reason, he stopped and glared at the blonde one. It was just a portrait picture but he kept staring.

"That one looks handsome... WAIT... what am I saying??? You are here for a job interview!!!" said Zoro to himself while slapping himself back to reality. What he wasn't expecting was the boss to open the door at that same moment.

"Well hell-" said the boss finding the green haired one slapping himself.

Zoro froze in that position and turned back. He quickly stood up from his chair and went upfront to him.

"Good afternoon Mr. Vinsmoke!" said the nervous Zoro extending his hand to the boss.

"Mjm...." was what left from the boss's mouth while examining him.

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