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Hey guys! Im back from Hiatus! I have organized everything for this story finally so yeah! For those who have read the book regardless I really appreciate it a lot. Without no more hiatus xD I hope y'all enjoy the rest of the story :)

The tour had ended. They were back in New York the day after the last performance which was in Sweden. A month has passed since then. Sanji and Zoro were dating but undercover. They would only show affection alone in a safe place like Zoro's apartment or Sanji's place. Sanji also has been performing with his band on Fridays but neither of their friends know about them being together.

Zoro, Sanji as Saburo and their friends were in the Red Onion now after a performance in the Blue Star. This was the first time they could see each other ever since the tour.

Robin was talking to Nami, Brook was talking to Usopp, Franky was talking to Luffy and of course, Sanji was talking to Zoro. Despite all of that, the joy between Sanji and Zoro was so noticeable that the whole crew just stared at each, quiet down and looked at both of them. 

"Stop! I can't breathe." said Sanji laughing like a maniac.

Apparently Zoro was showing him something on his phone.

"I swear it looks exactly like Yonji." said Zoro laughing.

They were both lost in laughter as if they were alone. Sanji was laughing, resting on Zoro's chest.

When their laughter died down, they noticed the silence and looked at their friends. They were all looking at them with a grin on their face.

"Um... why are you all looking so creepy?" asked Sanji.

"So.... are you two finally together?" asked Robin with a raise eyebrow and a grin.

Sanji and Zoro both went full tomato shade on their faces.

"I -I don't know what you mean..." said Zoro not knowing what to do.

"Oh come on, it was kind of obvious since a long time that you both were attracted to each other." said Nami with certainty.

"It was?" asked Luffy.

"I know right? I don't recall anything." said Usopp.

"I noticed." said Franky.

"I didn't" said Brook.

Zoro and Sanji stared at each other. They realized the only way they didn't do anything to hide how they act with each other was because they all are like family. It felt natural to them to not necessarily hide anything even if they didn't mean to talk about this but after this they just nodded to each other knowing that nothing bad will happen by telling them. They trusted them.

"I guess you were right Robin." said Zoro as he then grabbed Sanji's hand.

The girls smiled.

"Oh wow! Congrats bros!" said Luffy.

They all showed their appreciation of trust with them.

"But we can't just put them both alone in the spotlight tonight...." said Robin as she looked at Nami. She turned red.

"What do you mean?" said Brook.

"Nami and Usopp have been dating too." said Robin.

"What???" said Luffy surprised.

Usopp was nervously scratching his neck. 

"But that has been happening for years if I recall." said Zoro as Nami and Usopp looked at him embarrassed.

They all laughed.

"What made you guys finally crack?" asked Zoro.

The rest of the night was spent with Nami and Usopp explaining and with food, drinks and more laughter.

After it was over, Zoro went with Sanji to leave him at his house. 

"You know... I'm glad we were able to tell them. It feels nice that people know about us, even if it's just them." said Sanji with a smile holding Zoro's hand.

"Totally, I also like the fact that we were actually in public without minding being seen." said Zoro proudly.

"Yeah..." said Sanji and then had an idea.

"Maybe this is the only way to do so. Being Saburo." said Sanji. "Do you mind that?" 

"Of course not. As long as is you, I don't care how you look." said Zoro.

Sanji smiled and pecked Zoro on his lips. Zoro smiled back.

"Then is a date then? The first one actually. That's if watching Netflix at home almost everyday doesn't count" said Zoro.

"It should count tho" laughed Sanji " And yes! When?" asked Sanji.

"If tomorrow we don't have a crazy schedule, we could. If we do have a crazy schedule, we will have to wait until the other Friday." spouted Zoro.

The reason for that being that they both had for certain that every friday afternoon they had a free schedule.

"Is alright. Either way, it will finally be a date." said Sanji hugging Zoro and Zoro hugged back.

"Then is settled." said Zoro happily.

They both kept talking about the reveal of Usopp and Nami and all the crazy things on that dinner time until they reached Sanji's home and they said their goodbyes.

Guys I know this chapter wasn't that wow. I just needed to get the whole coming back from tour out of the way so I can finally start with the good parts hehe.

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