Why am I falling?

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The song is to be played when I let you know :)

It was Monday. Zoro had nothing on the weekend so he concentrated on doing Sanji's schedule for the week. It wasn't easy. He found himself thinking about Sanji a lot. Sanji's story, Sanji's happiness on stage with the rock band, his excitement over something so silly as the cheesecake...

"Stop it!" said Zoro on his mind while taking the steps towards the studio so he could get to Sanji's dressing room.

Unlike other times, Zoro was concerned on how he looked. He always dressed up nicely but this time, he was actually concerned for superficial stuff.

Zoro then reached the door. Before he knocked, he checked himself on the phone's camera.

"Sanji?" knocked Zoro.

"Come in!" said a voice from inside.

Zoro opened the door to reveal the blonde in a blue comfy tank top, some long adidas work out pants and comfy but good looking white work out shoes.

"Good morning, Sanji. Are you ready for your dance rehearsal?" asked Zoro closing the door.

"Good morning Zoro. Yes, I'm ready." said Sanji with a smile that threw Zoro off.

"How are you today?" asked Sanji while sitting down.

Sanji never asked or treated Zoro this way before.

"Umm... I'm good, you?" asked Zoro nervously.

"I'm good too. Would you like some coffee? I brought from my house when I made it this morning." asked Sanji getting up again, getting a thermo.

Zoro didn't really want it but he was indeed curious how a very famous pop star would make coffee since maybe he had maids for all Zoro imagined.

"A little bit, if it isn't trouble, thanks." replied Zoro seating down in the other sofa.

Sanji poured a little in a foam cup and walked towards Zoro.

"Thank you." said Zoro taking the foam cup.

He took a little sip nervously and he was surprised.

"Wow! You said you made this?" asked Zoro now gulping the whole thing.

"Yes." replied Sanji.

"This tastes awesome!" said Zoro.

"Thank you." giggled Sanji. "I actually love to cook... even if I'm the only one who eats what I make... maybe I can make you something someday?" asked Sanji.

"I'll be honored to taste cuisine from the famous Sanji Vinsmoke." said Zoro in a funny way.

Sanji laughed with him.

Judge suddenly opened the door.

"What are you two laughing for? The dancing instructor is here, you imbeciles!" screamed Judge.

Sanji and Zoro quickly stood up straight. Judge sighed as he left.

"Maybe we should go." said Zoro nervously.

"Yeah." replied Sanji as they walked out.

"But before that..." said Zoro searching for his pocket. "Here." 

Zoro put the couple of hundred bucks that Sanji gave him. The pop star was confused.

"But this is yours!" said Sanji.

"You bought my silence. You don't need to buy something that you'll surely have for free." smiled Zoro.

Sanji was in shock with he's response. He kept looking at Zoro and smiled back.

Idol Romance (Zoro & Sanji)Where stories live. Discover now