Sister Talk Pt.1

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A couple of weeks has passed since the break up. Things has been like when they first met. Cold and serious but this time Sanji isn't being aggressive, he just gives him the silent treatment. Zoro was still the manager, he couldn't do anything about it other than quit.... which he taught about it but it would be an inconvenience for him. Living in New York and having a good pay is difficult to obtain. 

It was Friday and Zoro had to cancel again on the usual Friday night plans he normally had with his friends at Blue Star but he was texting with Luffy.

Luffy~ "Is kind of weird right? That Saburo hasn't been able to perform these last Fridays?" 


Luffy~"Aren't you dating him? You should ask him Zoro. You should ask what's wrong."

Zoro didn't tell his friends he had broken up with Saburo (Sanji) He doesn't know why but he doesn't plan to tell them soon either.

Zoro~"I will see what is happening. Don't worry. Hope I can come next Friday. Have fun!" 

Luffy~"Alright. You better come next Friday. See ya" 

Zoro put his phone back in his pocket with an exhale. He was waiting for a cab to take him home. He definitely wasn't in the mood for a night out pretending to be happy. He missed Sanji even if the last two months were barely together but he had a peace of mind knowing he was with him. It pained him to have to take that decision. He quickly flinched when he heard a honk.

"Come on man, I don't have all night!" said the man who apparently had been parked in front of Zoro and he just didn't noticed when he got lost in thought. 

"S- Sorry man" replied Zoro as he went to open the door.

When he went inside, he got stopped before he could opened the door. He lifted his chin to see what was stopping him and it was a pink haired woman, Ryuji. Sanji's sister.

"Roronoa, we need to talk. Can I go with you?" she said with a serious tone.

Zoro was shocked. Why would she want to talk to him?

"How could you say no to that?" laughed the driver. Zoro got annoyed.

"I can pay for the taxi." she said as she extended some cash to the driver.

"Is it that important?" asked curiously Zoro.

Ryuji only nods her head up and down. 

"...... alright" replied Zoro.

Ryuji sat down and closed the door.

The ride was silent. Zoro was thinking what she needs to talk to him so urgently that it has come to this. He tilted his head once to look at her and she looked worried. Perhaps sad? That's what he could perceive.

They have finally arrived at his apartment. Zoro was still skeptical about all of this. 

"You can sit down if you want" said Zoro.

"Thank you" said Ryuji sitting down in the sofa quickly. Zoro went to his fridge.

"Would you like something to drink?" 

"Just some water" replied Ryuji.

He got a bottle of water for the both of them. 

"Here" extended his arm with the bottle as he sat next to her.

"Thank you" she unscrewed the bottle and took a sip.

"Now... what do you need to tell me so badly?" 

Ryuji took another gulp of water before settling in her position better.

"I know you and Sanji were something." 

Zoro opened his eyes in disbelief.

"Don't worry. nobody else knows" 

"But how do you?" asked Zoro worried.

"I may not be really close to Sanji but honestly he has been the sibling I have been closer with. I know him even if he doesn't know that." said Ryuji with a smile.

"... well like you said... we WERE a thing" said Zoro sadly looking at the floor. "Why is this a topic you wanted to bring up?

"So you can understand why he is doing everything that he is doing. You know? Doing anything my father says without a second thought? The disappearances to the hospital?"

"You-" Zoro was dumbfounded at her knowing this. "You can tell me?"

"Yes but first..." she paused for a little more water and then she placed the bottle in the table to focus on Zoro. "What I'm about to tell you had to be outside of the studio, outside of public eye... well.... honestly I could be in danger talking to you even here but I just.... You just need to know. That's why I came here with you."

"W-Wait... why would you be in trouble?" asked Zoro stunned.

"Turn off your phone and any device you have on" said Ryuji as she was turning her phone off.

"Huh?" Zoro was confused. 

"Just do it, please" 

Zoro didn't have any other choice but to do so. He turned off his phone which was the one thing on for him at the moment.


Ryuji looked like she was preparing herself to talk with a moment of silence.

"Look... Sanji is being held against his will to work for our father."

Zoro suddenly burst out laughing. 

"Like I didn't know that! I know he doesn't like this whole thing but-" he was interrupted with what his ears wanted to hear the least....

"No... Roronoa... when I say against his will, I mean literally. His life is at play here..." 


Sorry for the cliffhanger, I will try to update as soon as possible. 

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