The Truth

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"I KNEW THIS WAS YOU!" said Zoro with a grin.

Sanji ran to him and snatched the wig from his hand.

"I still know the truth." said Zoro sassy.

Sanji was desperate getting something out of his pocket.

"Here." said Sanji extending his arm to Zoro with money.

"You think that you could buy my silence with $50 bucks?" said Zoro.

Sanji sighed and grabbed more. This time it looked like hundreds. Zoro opended his eyes widely and took the money.

"Why do you do this?" asked Zoro getting on his feet.

"Now is not the time nor the place for explaining." said Sanji as he looked at his wristwatch.

"There's ten minutes left before is 7! I know you are going there to meet your friends. Can we please leave? I promise I will tell you everything!" asked Sanji with an attitude never seen before.

Sanji was really frustrated and worried. Zoro sighed.

"Fine" said Zoro.

Sanji got his backpack and tuck the wig deep in the bag and closed it. Zoro grabbed his briefcase and the sweater jacket he had. They both left the room.

As they went down, Judge was there in the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Judge to Sanji.

Sanji looked at him and then at Zoro.

"Roronoa invited me to his place so we can properly manage the schedule for next week since it's a heavy one." said Sanji seriously to his father.

Judge looked at the both of them weirdly.

"I don't see why Mister Roronoa needs help with his job but I guess you could be of use other than ruining my patience. Go on." said Judge as he walked off into the studio.

Sanji looked furious and got out with Zoro.

The walk to the Blue Star was silent. Sanji wore some glasses so he wouldn't be recognized but it was evident that he was angry.

They were finally in the Blue Star entrance.

"NOT HERE! Let's go through here." said Sanji as he pulled Zoro through the alley way on the side. 

There was a door on the side. Sanji looked sideways and knocked 4 times. The door swung open.

"Get here already!" said the biggest one of Sanji's secret band, Franky, who opened the door.

As they both got in, Franky shut the door behind them.

"What took you so long?" asked the only girl in the band, Robin.

"Sorry! But I ran on some... (looked at Zoro)... inconvenience..." said Sanji angrily.

"Isn't... this the manager you were talking about?" appeared the afro and tall dude, Brook.

"Yes... Don't worry, he won't tell anyone." said Sanji with a sigh.

"Are you sure? He works for your dad you know..." said Franky.

"I'm sure of it. Don't worry." said Sanji.

They all exchange looks of disbelief.

"Change up already! We start in less than 10 minutes!" said Robin.

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