Look a like

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Zoro recognized that outfit quickly. He saw it like five minutes ago in the studio. Zoro sprinted quickly but the person entered before Zoro reached. When he finally gets to enter, there is no sight of the person with the same outfit as Sanji earlier.

"Was I imagining things?" said Zoro on his mind.

When he looked a little on the left, there was some tables and in one of the middle tables, Zoro saw a hand waving at him. It was Luffy. Zoro went to the table still looking around to make sure he didn't miss the person. He finally reaches the table after passing through some crowd.

"Hey Zoro!" said Luffy with a big smile as he shook Zoro's hand and stood up t give him a brotherly hug.

"It's been a while bro, how are you?" said Zoro.

"Hey!" said Nami who was sitting next to Usopp.

"Hey!" replied Zoro as he gives a smile to both Nami and Usopp.

Zoro sat next to Luffy, facing Nami and Usopp.

"What's wrong? You looked like you were searching for someone." asked Usopp.

"Uh yeah I just thought I saw someone but it might have been my imagination." said Zoro.

A waiter went to the table.

"Good evening fellas, anything to drink?" said the waiter.

Everyone ordered some alcoholic beverages. They kept catching up. They were all friends since middle school and the last time they saw each other was two years ago.

"What have you guys been up to?" asked Zoro.

"Well I am at my last year of geography studies. I already did my internship and they offered me a spot as a cartographer after I finish my masters in 3 months so I'm really glad for that." said the smiling Nami. 

"Wow that's awesome! You are doing what you always wanted huh? I'm proud of you!" said Zoro slurping on his drink.

"Thanks! How about you Luffy?" asked Nami.

"I own a karate dojo and teach kids and teens. I started a year ago." said Luffy.

"Well that was unexpected but it's physical activity so that's definitely your thing." said Zoro.

"How about you Usopp?" asked Zoro.

"Ironically, I got a job as a professor for high school teaching at the drama department." said Usopp.

"Now that's fitting for you now is it?" said Zoro grinning.

"What's that supposed to mean??!!" said Usopp.

Everyone laughed. 

"And finally, how have you been doing?" asked Luffy to Zoro.

"Well last time I was with you guys I was Mihawk's manager but you all know what happened to him."

"Yes, he's now in rehab right? Poor thing, he had to let those drugs go earlier." said Nami.

"I told him multiple times, if not every day but well it got the best of him." explained Zoro.

"Anyways. After that, I was unemployed for two months and finally I got hired almost a week ago." said Zoro.

"That's nice! Who are you working for now?" asked Usopp.

"I work for Sanji. A member of the Ger-" was gonna say Zoro but was interrupted.

"Germa ?!?!?!" asked Nami disgustingly.

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