Losing Trust

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A month has passed since the phone call Sanji received that night which without knowing it has changed everything since then.

Zoro is concerned with how many times Sanji says he goes to the hospital to give his mother food because he doesn't believe that's the reason. One of the reasons being that Zoro has never been able to go with him. Sanji would have an excuse every time. 

This was all swirling in Zoro's mind while he waited in a bakery for Sanji to come but he's late. That's another thing that happens constantly now. He gets late for dates, for his job and even for some concerts with his friends at the Blue Star. 

"Sorry babe" said a panting Sanji dressed as Saburo trying to catch his breath.

"Is... alright." said Zoro with not much energy. Sanji kissed him and sat down.

"What's wrong?" asked Sanji noticing Zoro's lack of emotion.

"Is nothing. Do you want the usual?" said Zoro opening the menu.

"Yes..." said Sanji still looking at Zoro. "Look I'm really sorry about being late-"

"Is fine Im getting used to it." Zoro blurted.

Sanji looked at him offended.

"I'm sorry... is just... I can at least accompany you to these things you know? but it happens out of nowhere and then you go MIA on me." explained Zoro.

"I know" Sanji grabbed his hand. "I really don't mean to do it but please trust me on this." 

Zoro was feeling confused. He felt like there was more behind these visits.

Zoro nodded and they had their date.

It was the next day on the studio. Zoro was waiting in Sanji's dressing room to then go to the Blue Star but Sanji had disappeared again.Zoro was falling asleep the chair but suddenly the door opened smashing the wall hardly making Zoro jump.

"I'm here!" said Sanji walking towards his things.

Zoro simply stood up slowly but it was noticeable that he was angry. Sanji quickly noticed.

"Look let's just go alright?" said Sanji grabbing his backpack.

"Mhm..." was Zoro's reply.

"Look Im sorry!" said Sanji stopping in front of the door.

"You are always sorry! I don't get why nothing of this situation! If is something as innocent as bringing your mom food why can't I even know the hospital she is at? This is ridiculous Sanji!" said Zoro who was grabbing his stuff as well.

"I already told you a million times Zoro! Please trust me on why you cannot know! At least not yet!" said Sanji frustrated. Zoro walked up to him.

"Oh really? At least I will be the honest one here and say that I'm not trusting any of this at all." 

Sanji looked at him without words. It was evident his was hurt but as soon as he was gonna say something, the door opens widely in front of them.

"OH HI SUGARBEAR!!! I'M HERE!!!!" greeted Puddin with her arms in the air.


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