Opportunity of A Lifetime

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Y'all know the drill, I'll say when to play the song ;) also this chapter takes place on the same Friday of the last chapter, just in case. Hope you guys enjoy!

Zoro POV

Nothing new, Sanji came late to the meeting as usual. They all worked the day out and Zoro was ready to head back home when he suddenly got a text. 

~Hey dude! We are waiting for you at the Blue Star, you promised you'd come today!

It was from Luffy. Zoro sighted because he knew he promised. He hadn't gone these last two months since the break up, but regardless, he was just not in the mood. He was going to reply with an excuse until Luffy sent another text.

~I'll pay for the first two rounds. How does that sound?

Zoro could not say not to free booze, plus he knew Sanji wasn't going to perform so he won't see him there and he did miss his friends so he without thinking, just started walking his way to the Blue Star.


Zoro entered the crowded place, searching for his friends at the usual table which they were indeed there.

"Zoro!" screamed Nami and the rest of the group cheered.

"That's my man!" greeted Usopp.

"Now the group is complete!" said Luffy patting Zoro on the back while he sat next to him. "Long time no see man!"

"Yeah I know. Good being here again." smiled Zoro.

"That's the spirit!" said Luffy and ordered the first round of drinks.

They talked for a while, just catching up. Zoro certainly missed this but he wasn't gonna tell them that. They also talked a little about Four Mainstream.

"I kind of missed them performing. They said they don't know when they'll return. At least that's what Robin told me. We been texting." said Nami sadly.

Zoro knew why but he wasn't gonna tell obviously. 

"Yeah, I miss hanging out with them as well." said Usopp.

Zoro suddenly noticed a big guy with curly black hair and beard in a suit sitting in a table next to more guys with a suit but Zoro knew who that guy was. He was Jinbe, a music producer in the rock genre. 


"WHAT?" expressed Zoro. His friends jumped out of their sits excitedly. "I cannot believe it WOOHOO!" yelled Nami. Zoro remained on his sit just looking at the stage. He quickly noticed the purple haired singer followed by his friends. Zoro was not counting on seeing Sanji here at all. Franky, Brook and Robin started playing their instruments.

Alright, you can hit play on the video now! 

Saburo (Sanji) started singing

Every time we lie awake   After every hit we take 

Every feeling that I get   But I haven't missed you yet 

 Every roommate kept awake   By every sigh and scream we make 

All the feelings that I get   But I still don't miss you yet   Only when I stop to think about it 

 I hate everything about you 

Why do I love you 

I hate everything about you 

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