Too Much

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It has been a couple of days after the proposal. Things have only been worst for the couple. If they didn't have time before, they definitely had less time now if that was even possible. The wedding preparations, a lot of meetings, Pudding constantly having Sanji for his extra time only so she can do more public appearances with him and once they were out of public eye, they would go back to fighting thanks to her. He has had to decline his concert on Friday with MainStream. To top it all of, Sanji has kept being sketchy with going to the hospital for his mom without saying anything. Zoro was fed up with everything.

Sanji was in a meeting with the rest but Zoro managed to get out of it and decided to wait for him in his dressing room. He was doing paper work but it was troublesome. All he could have in mind was this whole situation. He felt like his head was gonna burst. He closed his note book and placed his head on his hands, rubbing his temples. When he suddenly heard clear voices new the door. That meant that the meeting was over. He opened the notebook again to pretend he has been always doing his job when suddenly Sanji walked in... but he was followed by Pudding.

"Hey! Don't ignore me Sanji! I said we need to go to that bar-" she was interrupted as Sanji turned around to face her.

"Yes... I know... the new bar that opened for celebrities. Let me just change damn it." 

"Agh, whatever. I'll be downstairs waiting." she said as she slammed the door shut behind her.

Sanji exhaled.

"Going out again?" asked Zoro.

"It seems so." said Sanji searching in his closet.

"Not a surprise." said Zoro with an annoyed tone.

"Im annoyed too by this whole situation..." said Sanji as he picked up a shirt.

"Then why don't you do anything about it?" asked Zoro angrily.

Sanji turned to him.

"Zoro, what am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know" Zoro closed his notebook and stood up. "I know you are a celebrity but Sanji, I have never seen you so silent during something. You can't just accept everything that is decided for you. Again, I know you are a celebrity but it has never gotten to this point. Do you realize that you are engaged to someone who is not your real partner?" 

Sanji was silent for a moment but then responded.

"I know...."

"Then what are you gonna do? Accept it as it is? Not do anything?" 

Sanji took out a cigarette.

"I can't do anything"

"WHY? Why can't you do anything? How am I suppose to live like this Sanji? I'm supposed to be your partner and this is the only free time Ive had with you for a month!! Not to say that the times you have free you are in the hospital which I don't mind! But why can't I come with you?? I can help you!" 

"Zoro... I just really can't do anything.... I'm sorry..."

Zoro was stunned and was filled with rage within a second.

"You know what.... I cannot do this anymore." said Zoro looking down.

"Huh?" said Sanji with a worried tone as he let out a smoke.

"I cannot pretend that none of this isn't hurting me, Sanji. I cannot pretend that I am ok with all of this and is like you don't care either way since all you can think of doing is... nothing." 

"What are you trying to say?? Zoro, I do care about you! A lot!" 

"That's not what it looks like.... I know that the live that you choose is difficult but even like that I can see when you are trying to put effort into something and honestly, you are just thinking about yourself! How am I supposed to pretend that I am ok with all of this Sanji??? I am not made of stone!"

There was silence.

"We need to break up." said Zoro lowly. Sanji had opened his eyes widely and got close to him.

"Wh- What?" Sanji cracked his voice.

"We need.... to break up." stated Zoro again with a heavy tone of sadness.

"Zoro please we don't need to-" Sanji was interrupted.

"Im really sorry" said Zoro with tears falling from his eyes looking straight at him. 

Sanji was stunned and could only start doing the same. Crying while looking at him.

Zoro had grabbed his stuff and went to the door. "I... still love you" said Zoro before leaving.

As he was walking, he didn't notice but Sanji's sister, Reuji, had noticed this whole thing.

Sanji Pov

"I... still love you" said Zoro as he then closed the door.

Sanji could only fall into his knees on the floor, trying to grasp what just happened. He just lost the love of his life. He looked at the ceiling with his eyes like a pool saying lowly:

"I- I need to do something."

Idol Romance (Zoro & Sanji)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora