Finding out

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Rose heard what sounded like a familiar voice, she thought of who it could be. Suddenly when she was thinking about who it could, and when she was involved in her head he burst through the door to the room. "Rose" Zack whispered in her ear making her jump. Kyle looked at him the her and his brow frowned. "Who's this" Kyle questioning, looked at Zack madly thinking he was taking her. After a couple minutes of Kyle and Zack fighting, Rose yelled at them to shut up. This made her heart beat really fast, but made her happy about her courage. Zack was the first to stop to make his best friend happy, as for Kyle he punched Zack with full force in the jaw. This made Rose enraged with anger ready to yell, and use her fighting skills on Kyle. "You jerk" Rose yelled walking over to Zack to make sure he's fine. "As if I'm a jerk, he's the one who was in here with you", Kyle smiled happy about what he did.  "He's my best friend" Rose growled and made her eyes look like they where red with fire. Zacks face was already blue and black with a bruise. "Get out, Kyle before you get one worse then his" Rose turning around, walking to grab her wand. Kyle walked to the door, laughing thinking that she would never do it. "Bye, Rose"  Kyle smiled leaving the room. "Are you ok" Rose quietly said bring her attention somewhere else. "I'm fine" Zack smiled with his bruise already healing. "Oh ya, your wolf healing" Rose laughed at herself forgetting that he had it. Zack smiled and looked into her eyes "where you going to blast him", Zack laughed with her. Rose looked back at her wand and put it down. "We'll never know", Rose teased him even though, Rose knows that he knew that she would. "Your sweet you know that" Zack smiled and sat on Rose's bed. Rose tilted her head and sat next to him, after understanding what he meant. "Zack can I tell you something" Rose shyly blurted out. Zack nodded slowly with a questioned look on his face. "I think" Rose paused getting her thoughts together,  "I think I like Kyle". Her telling Zack made him gasp.   "I know I shouldn't, but he notices little things most people don't" Rose blushed. "Rose, I know you might think that, but it's only because of you being locked in here",Zack put a hand on Rose's shoulder.  She smiled knowing that she'll always have him around. "So what made you think you like Kyle," Zack asked with a quiet voice.  "I don't know, maybe it's how he always wants to know how I am" Rose responded looking at the ground.  As for Kyle him not going into the room heard all of what they said.

(Sorry for the short chapter I hope you liked it though.)

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