Out of the wall

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After Rose was done talking with Kyle about how the painting was wrong because it made her feel trapped he helped her with the painting. When they both were done he left her room and Rose went to bed still thinking about the note Zack left. Near midnight Rose woke up to the feeling that she was being watched, looking around she saw a shadow outside of her window. Opening it Rose noticed it was Zack "what in the world are you doing here" Rose whisper yelled at him so she didn't wake anyone up.  all she heard of a response was Zack laughing "answer me, you idiot" she was getting upset because of how Zack was acting even though he knew the situation she was in. "Didn't my note get to you" he chuckled seeing the new painting that was over it.  "I did Zack and it upset me because of you messed up one of my favorite painting" Rose responded angerly that she thought she would breathe fire any second if he annoyed her even more.  "I needed your attention my princess" Zack climbed in looking in the darkroom "Zack you know if I leave Kyle will come to find me again" Rose frowned knowing what his plan was and what he wanted. "He can't get you if he doesn't know where you are" Zack had a big grin on his face showing that he had a plan that he would be able to get what he wanted to happen, for Rose to be free. "What is your plan," she asked getting her bag with her wand and some art in it. "Glad you are on board Rose" Zack grabbed her hand and lead her out of the window he was out of a couple minutes ago. "Are you going to tell me" Rose excitedly yelled lightly "I will when we get near the wall so no one can see or find you yet" he explained because of the guards around the castle. "Okay, then Zack lets go because they will spot us if we aren't fast" Rose jumped onto the beginning of the ceiling and walked calmly near the gray brick wall. "How much do you go up here," Zack asked having a hard time with balance. Rose wet back to him and helped him climb "I go here when I need a break from being trapped like a bird in a cage" Rose sighed but then smiled knowing Zack would keep to his word of letting her be free. Zack laughed lightly now standing on the wall "you will never feel like that again I promise" Rose smiled at what Zack had said. "Zack you are my best friend and I always want you to be near me, " Rose said while climbing down the wall making sure not to fall down. While doing this she saw Zack jump down but was fine and uninjured. "I'm just making you have what you want in life Rose and that's being in control of it" Zack let out his arms for Rose to fall in. "Jump we don't have much time we need to get as far as we can tonight" Zack whispered hearing people near them. As Rose let go she heard distant yelling before she fell in Zack's arms. "We need to run," Rose said quietly to Zack who was turning so he can protect her better. "Go right now Rose I'll be behind you" Zack responded in wolf form with a growl as Rose dashed off with full speed. Hugging her bag tightly she looked ahead of her and jumped over a rock as she was getting her wand to use as a flashlight. Hearing Zack runs behind her Rose smiled knowing that no one was looking for where they are yet. Looking ahead she saw a bunch of trees near a cave looking at Zack she signaled to the cave and saw him nod. Getting inside with Zack as he was making the entrance unnoticed he sighed "I didn't know they would notice that quickly" Rose frowned. "At least you got away and I will make you that as long as I can" Zack looked into her eyes "we should go to bed we'll have a big day tomorrow." As Zack fell asleep fast all Rose could do was think about what she has done.

(Hey muffins I hope this is a good chapter. I woke up early and had the inspiration to write. I hope you have a good day)                    

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