I don't

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Rose's eyes were puffy and red due to her crying many days, getting up from the desk she fell asleep on from the all the nights she spent thinking. Small light from the halls was suddenly shining inside of the room. "Rose sweets" a quiet calm voice called out like she was a little deer who would run at any second. Humming in annoyance she acknowledged that it was Kyle like every day since she blew up at him. "Are you okay you've been there for the whole day?" Kyle asked Rose with a little chuckle erupting from his chest. The only response he got was a sigh, it was like this for the whole time after he told her what was going to happen. Shifting on the other foot Kyle felt nervous to tell her what he was going to do in almost three hours after the sun raised. "Rose today is going to happen I know you don't like it but it still will" his voice was so quite Rose was surprised that she could hear him. In a raspy voice from not talking Rose gained the courage to talk. "I don't love you, and I'll never be happy near you, you should just give up" it made Kyle's eyes wide with what she just said. Clenching and unclenching his hands he growled: "you did before so just agree that you still do." Rose curled up with her knees to her chest and rested her head letting muffled cries leave her. She didn't want to be here anymore after Fire was set free two days ago, and not to be able to see Zack she got even more upset and felt as if the walls were crumbling. Just as the sun was rising the echo of the door slamming was heard throughout the castle.          

(Here is a late chapter hope you like it. The music is for emotion and fun. Hope you have an amazing day.) 

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