so long so far

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It was weeks since the kiss happened Rose stayed in the room taking care of Fire while Kyle did his usual work. Laying on the bed Rose just replayed the moment in her head not knowing if it was a trick or not, it was as if her head was a storm with black clouds. Looking out her window she thought about where Zack was and if he hated her now for not going where he wanted her. The dream she had the night before only upset her more that she didn't do anything to get away yet.  Sighing she saw paper and removed it from the desk to read it saying 'dear Rose,  I know I shouldn't have pushed you and that you where worried about everything. I just wanted to say I care about your safety and for that I must leave. I just want you to know Kyle will force you to marry him no matter what because he wants an actual princess instead of someone in his walls. I know this because he got other ones before you. That's all so, so long so far. Sincerely, your one true friend.'

(hey I'm so sorry that I haven't posted for a long time I've been trying to write other story's I also have some things I need to do. My school is almost here 😵 so I will try to post once a week. Hope you have a good day)

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