Going along

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Hours later after, talking to Zack about everything she was now left alone in her room. Grabbing the hidden book she opened to the first page to see it was a diary; it belonged to Kyle. Reading many pages of how much he loved Rose and how nice she looked in her castle, she found tears streaming down her face. Hugging a pillow she almost had a hard time breathing, calming down realizing that he knew about her before she met him. Pushing past and continued reading made her heart hurt. Looking at a new page with a note that said 'steps on the back' Rose was confused. Bookmarking the page she saw ten written notes it listed:  1. Take her and get her here 2. Make her tell you how she feels about you 3. Destroy her family 4. Tell her that you care what she wants 5. Take her out of the walls 6. Wait till she says she wants more 7. Ask her to marry you 8. Get married in the village 9. Have kids 10. Live happily ever after. Rose scoffed and put the book down knowing what number Kyle was on. As the night grew darker Rose's dreams turned into nightmares. Waking up in a cold sweat many times she found herself face to face with the book. As three o'clock turned to eight Rose finally decided to get up knowing she won't get to sleep if she even tried. Walking down the stairs she saw many people walking around fastly, almost falling many times Rose found herself to the only place she felt at home. Looking around in the garden she looked at the newly bloomed flowers. Looking down at the tulips she heard yelling behind her. Turning around she accidentally bumped into Kyle "I'm so sorry I didn't see you so close" Rose held out a hand to help Kyle. "It's fine I should have stopped before being so close" Kyle chuckled earning a smile from Rose. "Well, I was going to look for you after picking a flower to ask a question" Rose stated knowing she had to find out if he would buy what she was planning. Kyle laughed "Where you" this made Rose look at her feet thinking he knew she read his book. "Um ya, I was" only came out of her mouth as she couldn't find anything else to say. "Well ask away" Kyle smiled and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Can we go to the village, I don't want to be inside all the time" Rose stated a little shaky. Kyle only laughed and nodded grabbing her hand, but he didn't know is what he had in store.

(Sorry muffins, I'm leaving a cliffhanger and won't be updating in a couple days. I have plans and I cant but I promise I will make up for it.)         

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