Never in my life

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I was so nervous when I woke up from me fainting about everything that happened I was in the one room I never wanted to be in again. Trying to move I was stuck so I looked down to see my worst nightmare become more and more of an evil curse. Mumbling under my breath I soon screamed making Kyle scared and fall down from the bed with a loud groan. Sitting up Rose looked over the bed smiling with her head tilted as if she was the lion and he was an impala.  "What was that for" Kyle had his teeth clenched making Rose know he was mad. "I was scared I had to do something, it was what I was taught for protecting myself."  Kyle lightly smiled but as soon as it came it disappeared making his anger show to make Rose say sorry. Lightly smiling she got up and walked out of the room wanting to go back to where she was before all of his plans where in order.

(Here you guys go sorry its so short I'm in class and I'm working on a new book with my friend and I'm going to post it after finishing this one. Have an amazing day.)  

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