He cares about what she likes

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As days went by she was still in the room. Rose knew that it was going to be this way, her in a room until she was trust worthy.  When she was thinking she didn't realize that someone opened her door. "Rose you okay" Kyle asked while waving his hand in front of her eyes. Rose sighed when her last thought was ended "Sorry I was thinking" Kyle laughed at her response. "That seems to be all you want to be doing right now" Kyle put down a tray of food on Rose's desk that he added awhile ago. Rose stood up and walked to him; "Well someone who is not locked in a room might think it's funny, as one who is in one is tired of being in it"rose spat out like it was her spiting venom out of her mouth. "Wow someones mad at what I'm doing for her safety" Kyle responded and left the room to let her cool down. After he did Rose laid back down on her bed laying on her stomach. Thinking of all her escape plans she knew one would only work. 'It has to be tomorrow or I'll never do it' Rose thought, while she looked at her blank wall then, rolled over and looked at the ceiling that she painted with birds and flowers. Smiling after staring at it for almost twenty minuets she used her wand and did a spell to see what Kyle was doing. Kyle was ordering the servants outside to make sure that the place was clean for the animals, to make sure they could wonder around without getting hurt. He only started doing this when he found out how much Rose loves the nature. When the spell wore off she smiled happy for the night even though she knew that Kyle would be mad about how she didn't eat. When the sun set making the clouds pink and purple Rose fell asleep thinking of her soon freedom. Kyle that night though was awake worried about how Rose hasn't eat for almost three days. Knowing that Rose was doing this to make him set her free.  Hours later Kyle unintentionally fell asleep having to many thoughts in his mind. When Rose woke up the sun was just rising and she remembered that the reason she's waking up this early is the time she fell asleep. Rose deciding to stay awake was doing art garbing rope to lift her up to her desired place so no one could know where she was. Hours past and the sun had risen the whole way, Rose was still creating a new pattern on the wall as she heard the door squeak open. "Morning" Rose forced a laugh when she saw who it was. "Where are you now" Kyle asked looking around, when he almost got to where she was Rose jumped down making him scream like a little girl. "So you can be mean and have a deep voice, but scream really high like a girl" Rose tilted her head.  This made Kyle mad, but he sighed as he knew it was her just trying to prove a point.  "Here I brought you food" Kyle handed it to her, and looked at her desk at the tray he gave her yesterday. "Yes its still full nothing taken out of it" Rose responded, anger in her voice as he was trying to make her eat still.  "Rose you are making yourself weaker by doing this" Kyle told her with a frown on his face. She laughed looking at her hands that were covered in blue and what looked like green paint mixed with a light blue and pink. "I've been busy" Rose respond and looked at the lady pink apple and garbed it. "You still need to eat even if you are doing art" he smiled, as he saw her suddenly take a bit of the apple. "Kyle it's just hard" she sighed, and looked down eating the apple. What Kyle didn't know was that Rose was happy about this how she finally got something she would eat. "How is it hard" he tilted his head confused about what she meant. Rose sighed and opened her mouth a couple times but then closed it as she was thinking about what to say. "You can tell me" Kyle garbed a strand of her hair and kissed it. "I" Rose responded and didn't know how to tell him. "I trust you Rose you can say it" Kyle smiled and let go of her hair. "Kyle I think that I love you now jokes or no ifs I think its my true feeling" Rose spoke really fast.

(Okay people I said that I'm done with starrs last time so I'm going to post more but only when I can. I also am thinking about posting one of my other ideas of my stories. I don't know yet I'll say when I think I will. Hope to post soon.)

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