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Jungkook pulled his tight black shirt on and took a deep breath before he headed back out of his bathroom. He was half expecting Kim to be waiting outside to question him, but she wasn't, so he went to his living area, ready to have both girls jump on him with a hundred questions.

However, he was surprised to see both the girls sitting quietly on the sofa, with blankets around them, so he moved quietly to the kitchen area to grab a quick drink, before going back to his room. When the glass was empty, he placed it on the side, and almost jumped out of his skin when he turned around to see Kim standing behind him.

"I didn't hear you," He muttered, "I thought you were asleep,"

Kim looked over at Daisy, who was sleeping on the sofa, and sighed.

"Couldn't," She said, "Daisy wore herself out, but I can't stop thinking about Jimin and Yoongi," She met his eye, and then looked down at the floor, a blush on her cheeks, "I'm sorry for before," She said, "For walking in on you. I should have knocked, I just wasn't thinking,"

"It's fine," Jungkook said curtly, "No worries,"

There was silence between them for a moment, before Kim asked the question that Jungkook knew was coming.

"Is that scar from the Wendigo?" Her voice was soft, as if she didn't really want to ask, but Jungkook understood why she did. They didn't know him, and they didn't know why he was so invested in keeping this creature away from others.

He nodded, and Kim spoke again, "It looks like it was painful. Do you mind if I ask how it happened? You don't have to answer, if you're not comfortable,"

Junkook sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He leaned back on the kitchen counter, "There's a cabin further into the woods," He started, "I was staying there with my family when I was ten. We were out for the day, and suddenly, my parents started acting weird, and took us back to the cabin. We weren't allowed to play outside after that. When it was dark, my dad put my little sister to bed, and I was sitting in front of the fire with my mum," 

He swallowed the lump in his throat. It had been a long time since he had recalled what had happened that night, even though the memories were still so raw in his mind.

Kim waited patiently, but just as she was about to open her mouth to tell Jungkook he didn't have to tell her, he began to speak again.

"My dad came back in and my mum froze suddenly, and dragged me to the kitchen and shoved me into a cupboard under the sink. She told me to stay quiet and not come out, no matter what. The second she closed the door, I heard my dad yelling at my mum, and I heard her footsteps go down the hallway towards the bedrooms," He licked his suddenly dry lips, "I could hear something growling, and thought it was a bear. There were some gunshots and my mum started screaming. I could hear a fight. Then everything went quiet and I heard a thudding as something went down the hallway,"

He could still remember it so clearly; breaking free from the confines of the cupboard and leaping over his parent's bodies. His mum had been half way down the hallway, obviously running for his sister, but he hadn't stopped. He could still see the dead eyes as the Demon looked at him after he struck it in an attempt to save his sister.


Kims gently voice cut through the painful memory like a hot knife through butter. Jungkook cleared his throat.

"It killed them because they fought back," He said, "It just knocked me down because I hurt it. It was probably looking to come back for me, but by the time it did, the police were already with me. I came to live with my uncle, after I was healed. I found the study downstairs when he died and read through all of his notes,"

"I'm so sorry," Jungkook was startled when Kim moved quickly to him and wrapped her arms around his body, hugging him tightly. She barely reached his chest, but she was holding on to him with such strong arms that he had an almost overwhelming urge to cry. He held back, however, and awkwardly hugged her back with one arm, before pulling away.

"It's in the past," He said gruffly, "What's important now is-"

Jungkook jerked his head to the side to look out of the window as the lights outside flashed on, and the alarm went off. He pushed past Kim to run to his bedroom, with Kim hot on his heels.

"The fuck?" He muttered, staring closely at the screens. He couldn't see anything; not a fox, or a deer, or even a mouse, that would have been the cause for the lights flashing on.

Suddenly, there was a crash and a loud scream from the living room, and Jungkook grabbed his rifle, before running back as fast as his legs could carry him. He almost stopped dead in his tracks from shock as he saw the tall, emaciated horned figure of the Demon standing in the doorway. However, he didn't, and he lifted his rifle, firing straight at the creatures chest. 

His aim was true, and the creature stumbled back from the force of the hit, before looking at him and letting out a shriek of anger. He quickly readied his rifle again as he walked towards the Demon, but before he could fire off another round, it was gone.

And so was Daisy.



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