Rachel's Letter #2

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 Letter #2

Hope this letter finds you well.

This past month for me has been sensational. So much activity happening at work and the summer heat is still here even though it's spring now. Feeding my sanity by doing what single girls do and that's go out on the town with friends.

I know you're busy living a regimented life in the military but I hope your superiors are kind to you and you are kept warm.

I just wanted to assure you that I don't feel guilty going out and partying while you are completing your active duty lol. We all have our own life to live. I do hope however that your fellow military friends are keeping you smiling and that you see your family often.

It is winter with you, or near the end of it but I do hope you were able to go out and see a little bit of life outside of your military base.

I look forward to your discharge and am excited to see you in concert. Only a few more months to go and you'll be a free soul. Are you tired? Weary? Hungry? Hope not!!

Anyways, enjoy the weather as it gets warmer.

Lots of love, hope and happiness sent your way.


P.S Did you get to watch the movie I suggested in my last letter? Hope so... anyway, I just finished watching 'Serendipity' for the umpteenth time. Hope you get a chance to watch it if you haven't already.

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