Rachel's Letter #6

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 Letter #6

I hope this letter finds you smiling and well rested.

3 months have passed since my last letter to you. While I have been chasing work and life at full speed, I have had some time to check in on your whereabouts and activities on SNS. It looks like the pace Super Junior is going, is at very high speed. I don't know how you guys do it.

I wait with great excitement for your album to be released. There are lots of plane rides involved and I'm only second-guessing that its all part of the bigger picture. I travel a lot as well, for work, domestically, and staying in hotels has certainly moved past the novelty stage. Every hotel I stay in now, looks like the one before and I no longer think about what to pack, I just pack the standards set of travelling clothes and toiletries ready to go in an overnight bag. It would be nice to travel business or first class so I could get a could sleep on the long flights, but economy is where I'm glued to. They say you lose memory cells when you take off and land in an aeroplane, so let me tell you that, that fact alone should explain my memory loss, lol. It's a good thing you don't rely on me for anything useful.

Sounds sad I know, but I work in the education industry and a good memory is vital. Its challenging staying ahead of new technologies and meeting government compliance so I sometimes disappear for a while to work on new projects the company has for me. I imagine it would be hard for Super Junior to stay relevant and keep setting new levels of creativity in the music industry. An industry that is so competitive and unforgiving. I think fans in general, underestimate how much support goes into making an artist / group successful. There must be an amazing team of assistants behind Super Junior that most of us don't get to see.

Christmas is around the corner, and my family are preparing to feast. Work has organised a lovely harbour cruise around the city and I'm not even going to think about Christmas presents until the last minute lol because the nephews and nieces I have are very much spoilt and I have no idea of what to buy them. Do you celebrate a traditional Christmas? Or are you part the larger population that see it as just another day of the year? Santa still visits our family home and we always leave cookies and some milk for him, and we leave a carrot or two for the reindeers. (of course, the adults eat and drink half of the food so the kids believe Santa actually came!!) lol

Anyways, I look forward to buying and endlessly playing Super Junior's new album and of course I'm sure there will be concerts to look forward to.

All my love, hope and happiness...


P.S Try to include some downtime in your schedule and watch 'Love Actually' movie. Let me know if you liked it...

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