Chapter 12

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 Rachel's POV

Rachel had reached the safety of her hotel, a little hot and bothered. She couldn't work out if the warmth came from her beating heart that seemed to race quickly when she saw him in front of her or from the pace of her walking. She knew he wouldn't know her. Yes, she was sure of that. Walking for 20mins had relieved her mind a little but she felt a drink was needed to settle her nerves. "Hotel bar would be closed now. It's well after 12am. I'm too awake to go to my room. Pool area it is then. Quiet, dim lighting and fresh air. Maybe a swim. Ok let's go get my swimmers first". She hadn't noticed the rush of the small crowd just outside the hotel entrance. She turned to find her way, and saw some fans filming with their phones but it didn't register with her why they were filming.

In the dimly lit hotel room, Rachel grabbed some drinks and a glass from the mini bar and headed down to the pool. "Hopefully no one will be there tonight. Please, God, just this favour" she wasn't in the mood for smiling. No mood for talking. She just wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Elevator opened and she could hear nothing but the pool filter churning away in some corner. A smile lit up her face. "Thank you, God, for answering my prayer" as she looked up at the stars.

As she made her way to the pool, she thought about her special someone. Yes, he looked so nice tonight. The disguise didn't hide his eyes. He was wearing tired eyes tonight. She knew those eyes too well. She'd been staring at them since before she became a fan. Now she was an Elf.

Rachel chose to leave her belongings in the area of the pool side hidden by the dim light. She could see the elevator if it were to open but she was pretty sure no one was coming at this time. She soaked her feet first, one at a time then sat down. She used her arms to lift herself up and push her into the water gently. "Soooo gooood" she instantly felt lighter... She just stayed there in that moment and enjoyed being underwater for what seemed like a few minutes. She pushed herself up to the surface and as her face felt the cool air, she saw a figure enter the pool. She began to scold herself for leaving herself open to dangerous situations. She didn't move until she could come up with a strategy on how she was going to get out conveniently and grab her things and leave quietly.... unnoticed. "YEAHRIGHT!!! Fuck, fuck, fuck..." "Let's pretend that figure isn't here" she told herself. She noticed that the figure had no belongings or towel. The figure was wearing shorts and a black t-shirt. But the more she tried to appear unfazed, the more she felt frightened. "God, Good God I need you now. Please, come help me" her thoughts screamed. She didn't dare move. Her heart, she could hear its fast beating pace in her ears. Oh no...

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