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Ethan's POV

As we drive back to our place I can feel the frustration practically oozing out of Gray. I know him better than anyone – He is my twin after all. And that means I know not to ask questions, at least not until he has calmed down. One look at his hands and I can see that now is not the time. His knuckles are white from holding the steering wheel so damn tight.

Our visit this time was shorter than usual so I can only assume things did not go well.

As we get closer, the red "Dolettes" sign comes into view and I exhale sharply through my nose.

Although Cam has done a sterling job on this place the sign still annoys me. It would look incredible in blue.

As savvy as she is, she's still one of the most stubborn people I know. Everything has to be her way. Even down to the blasted colour of the sign.

Must run in our family I guess. Gray and I are just as bad. I've lost count of the number of times things have come to a head between the three of us. Gotta love her though, she is after all our big sister. Our only sister and not to mention, our boss.

Gray slams the car door as he gets out and we head inside.

"You wanna talk about what happened? Was Zee being her usual annoying ass self?" I half joke trying to lighten the mood.

Gray snaps his head around and spits, "are you fucking kidding me right now? You know we can't mention that here. What if somebody hears you? All hell would break loose!"

"Shit man. Sorry Bro." I mumble in return. Sometimes I forget how sensitive he can be about these things, even if he does have a point.

I look around quickly just to make sure nobody was close enough to hear me. Looks like we're safe.

"And don't talk about her that way!" he adds, opening the side door.

That Broad really did a number on him today, I think as I follow him inside.

I take in the room and everyone in it. The place is packed tonight. All the usuals are here, so basically a lot of top entertainers and politicians. I can't help but chuckle to myself at the thought of the press finding out they were here – a whorehouse.

Not that that would ever happen, everyone knows the Dolan's are nothing, if not discreet.

It's been a couple of years now since the stupid Woman's Christian Temperance Union influenced the government into introducing a ban on prostitution and bringing in prohibition – yet somehow, we've made a mint out of it. I guess we should thank Cam for our success since opening. 'The Dolette's' was all her idea.

"Cam's probably in the office," I suggest to Gray. He nods in agreement and we make our way down the hall.

We walk past the private rooms in silence. Gray peers through the prop hole on each door on his right, and I do the same on my left.

Although many wouldn't agree with what we do, we always ensure our working girls are safe. We only have the best so each one of them is precious cargo to us. It's unbelievable how much people will pay to get their end away nowadays and someone has to profit from it so why shouldn't it be us?

Approaching the large, heavy, dark wooden door to the office we hear a commotion inside. Cam is running her mouth off at someone. I can only imagine how loud it is inside that room since the door is more than a few inches thick, making it perfect for keeping sounds in. Ensuring our business discussions and our secrets stay exactly that - secret.
The gold trim door plate and knob are only really there to tickle our aestheticles.

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