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Cam's POV

As soon as he is out of the office I head over to my desk and start dialling. I feel my palms getting slightly sweaty as I wait for the operator to connect my call.

A drowsy voice answers, "hello?"

"We have a problem," I announce as calmly as possible.

The drowsy voice is now sharp,"what? What you mean?"

I shuffle back uncomfortably in my chair as I try to find the right words. Normally nothing bothers me but the implications of this are just too big to not be taken seriously. "The Twins are starting to get suspicious about Jack's," I explain. My voice almost a whisper to ensure nothing can be overheard, even through the thick wooden door to my office.

I get nothing but a panicked intake of breath from the other end. I try and let them know I have this under control. "Don't worry, I think I've done enough to throw them off the scent."

The voice at the other end breathes heavily, letting out a groan.

I continue, "I went straight into attack mode. I've played enough of a distraction to get them paranoid about there being a mole. I played a blinder deflecting that shit onto someone else. There's no way they know I'm involved!" Gloating, I stand and lean back against my desk.

The voice on the other end replies in kind with a calmer tone. "We need to meet to discuss what happens next. Although you may have stalled them, our plan still didn't work. The Broads' top players are still alive and Lucy is already fucking suspecting something is up. And when she has a bee in her bonnet she doesn't fucking let it go."

There's that name again..."Let's give it a few days to let the dust settle and I will be in touch about a rendezvous. And who the fuck is this Lucy I've been hearing about? Apparently, that bitch shot Ethan coz she lost her nerve."

"HA! Lost her nerve? No chance! She missed on purpose," they scoff from the other end of the line.

Missed on purpose? Who the fuck is this Lucy and why haven't I heard her name before today? I'm gonna make it my mission to find out.

Lucy's POV

Urgh, It's so early. I rub my eyes and slap my cheeks in an attempt to remove all evidence of my lack of sleep as I head towards Spanky's entrance.

No matter how hard I try to forget it, the thought of what happened last night still lays heavy on my mind. I'm disappointed in myself for leaving myself vulnerable to him.

He can think twice if he thinks I am willing to be some side chick. I promise you it won't happen again. Besides that, I have more important things to worry about, I just can't shake this feeling that we were set up at Jack's.

By the time I reach the door, I find it already unlocked. Someone must be here already. And I thought I was early.

I make my way through to the top bar to find Grace looking lost in her own thoughts as she folds napkins at the old worn bar. "Hey, Grace!" I smile at her as she sees me approaching.

"Hey Angel-face, you're here early ain't ya?" she chuckles to herself as she clocks my unimpressed expression.

"Says you! Have you even been home?" I ask taking a seat next to her. Good old Grace, she's always the first one here, like a well-oiled machine. She can't rest unless everything is perfect.

I scratch my nails along the grooves of the old top bar. It's worn paint and splintered edges are charming in their own way. Sure the top bar doesn't have the same polished finishes as the basement bar, and sure it no longer serves any real alcohol but it has character. An undefined class, just like Grace.

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