The ten percent

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Grayson's POV

"I'm just gonna see Nolan, Dol," I say to Yaty as we head back inside. She nods and heads towards the back of the club to the lounge without a word.

Not going to lie, her and Sarah got in the way today but I need them around so I'm just going to have to bite my tongue. Plus I don't need them asking any more questions about Zee, or worse, saying something to Cam.

I knock once on the big thick wooden door, directly next to Cam's office, "hey, Nol got an invoice for you."

He gestures for me to put it on his desk and pushes his black-rimmed glasses onto the end of his nose, "what's it for?"

"Woo Woo," I mutter. "Can you put ten percent on it?" I ask hoping that he won't ask questions.

He pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his nose and leans back in his chair, "ten percent?"

"Don't ask."

"You know that Cam is gonna ask questions, brother."

"Jesus, Nolan. I don't know, just make something up." I snap.

He stands up, "Gray, did something happen? You seem a bit tense."

I'm tense? Of course I'm fucking tense. The Broads were there. They got in the way. Zee made the hit, not us. Lucy shot Ethan. Ethan is so fucked up he thinks she's in love with him and now the dames are asking questions about Lucy and Zee.

I take a deep breath. 'Nothing happened that can't be cleared up. Just pay her the damned ten percent."

I storm down the hallway towards the lounge as Hope comes into view, she raises her perfectly arched brows at me, "have you seen Nolan?"

"He's in there with his head in those stupid ledgers," I say pointing to his office, not even bothering to slow down to speak to her.

She shakes her head, flickers of auburn peak through her dark hair with each movement. "Of course he is. Him and those blasted books. Your sister is going to kill him with all the work she gives him."

"Yeah well, take that up with her. I've got my own issues to deal with."

I don't mean to be rude, she's nice enough. Quiet, shy. Maybe even a little bland with all the earthy tones she wears, which I guess suits Nolan just fine. He's about as exciting as a wet mop. Although Ethan and I sometimes joke that she'd be the kinda gal who is into all that kinky stuff. Like underneath all the modest clothing she's hiding a pair of fishnets and a whip.

"Oh, I heard about that. Cam is looking for you by the way," she replies just as she heads into Nolan's office, not even acknowledging my bad mood.

Fuck. How does she know? Maybe she doesn't know. No need to panic... just yet.

"GRAYSON! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" Cam screeches as I walk past her open office door.

Shit! I think she knows.

I walk backwards a few steps directly into the line of fire. Where the fuck is Ethan? I need backup.

I see Gina, Chanelle, Crissi and a few of the other girls on the couch closest to the lounge entry. Their ears perk up. Those dames just love drama. "What did you hear, Cam?" I ask as casually as possible.

"That those damned Broads were there... AT OUR HIT!" She screams, hands flying up in the air in disbelief.

I stand my ground. Don't get me wrong, Cam is scary but there is nothing worse than showing her fear. "Yeah, I was going to ask you about that." I counter, attempting to deflect the bullets shes going to throw any minute.

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