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Yaty's POV:

What was I thinking? I am so annoyed with myself for letting my anger get the better of me. I was really lucky that there was nobody else other than Zee at Spanky's earlier in the week.

But who does she think she is? Honestly, jabbing the bar with that knife like that. She's so dramatic. She almost took my damn finger off. The bitch is lucky I chose to walk away otherwise it would have gotten messy.

Looking down I realise I have drawn blood from my nails digging them into the palm of my hand in an effort to control my rising anger.

In a weird way, the pain gives me a kick. It's been a while since I've had a good ol' fashioned brawl. Everyone is too quick to get their gun out these days. I miss the good ol' days where we'd scrap in the street for milk money. Survival of the fittest, ya know? Zee might talk a hard game but it's just that talk. I think I can take her.

To make matters worse, and my anger worse, I have no idea where Gray is. That son of a gun is AWOL way too often these days and Mumma don't like it.

My anger continues to rise inside as I begin pacing. Thoughts of them together drown my mind until I can think of nothing else. I need to get some fresh air and calm the fuck down.

He's probably just with Ethan anyway, I rationlise as I suck in a few deep breathes.

I earn a few strange looks from our regulars as I stomp my way over to the lounge to find Sarah. I need to talk this through with her.

Head down and not paying any attention to where I'm going I don't realise anyone is there until it's too late. "What's your problem, you pill?" I snarl as I turn to face the goon that just bumped into me.

"Whoa, what's your problem?" The voice says in equal parts shock and anger.

I take a deep breath and am relieved to find myself faced with Sarah, my partner in crime. Although her face screams annoyance, I grab her arm and pull her out front without answering her.

We reach the car park before Sarah yanks her arm from my hand, "you gonna tell me what your problem is or you just gonna carry on with that salty ass face of yours?"

"How do you do it?" I ask. She stares at me as if expecting me to continue. So I do. "How do you just go about your day to day life knowing that our men are probably fucking them whores behind our backs?" I probe.

A perplexed look etches over her face, "It's what they do. They've always slept around. We knew that before we got involved with them, but they are our men and they always come back to us."

She leans back against the brick of the wall and props her foot up to steady herself. "So you don't think they have something going on with those Broads?" I ask as I take in the cool air.

Her eyes widen and her mouth drops. "I.... I..... Look there's no way my baby is sleeping with some Broad!" she states, straightening her back as if to prove her point.

Without realising, I give out a, "HA!".

Her brows furrow, as she folds her arms in annoyance. Her face a shade pinker than it was a few seconds ago. "What do you mean, 'HA''?" She questions, her eyes piercing through mine.

Uncertain whether it's because of my annoyance at Gray, the reminder that he's probably sleeping around with a few people or the fact that Sarah is being so naive but either way I let rip.

"Are you blind?" I huff as I inhale deeply, preparing for the oxygen I'll need to unleash my thoughts.

"Think about it, these last few months they've been more absent than they've ever been. Their moods have improved but thats not down to us." Her eyes flicker as they register my words. "They refuse to let us go anywhere with them. We even got banished to the car on the last job! Speaking of which they knew their names, they've never bothered to learn the names of any of their other fucks!" I spit, my thoughts exploding.

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