You don't need to kill me

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Zee's POV:

"I warned her," I mutter, spitting the blood from my mouth. If the stupid bitch wasn't already dead I'd kill her for hurting Lucy like that I think as Lucy groans back into consciousness. Still splayed out on the floor where she landed after Yaty glassed her.

Ethan leans over her gently dabbing the blood from her wound. I don't know why but I am surprised to see the tenderness he's showing her. Maybe it's because Sarah is watching or maybe it's because I didn't know he was capable for feeling those feelings for anyone other than Grayson or Cam. Then again things change. I mean I never really thought that Cam would be capable of hurting her brothers, yet here we are. One things clear though, he really does care for her. I guess he can't be all bad.

I lean my head back against the edge of the bar. I am struck by the silence. The room is quiet. Deathly quiet. Giving me too much time to think about the consequence of my actions. I didn't have a choice though. Did I? If I didn't kill her it would be me laying on the floor, a knife jutting from my chest leaving a bloody mess that is going to be hell to clean up.

" KILLED HER!" Sarah screams breaking the silence. My head pulses with the noise and I instinctively throw my fingers to my temples and rub them in small circles hoping that she will shut the fuck up. Still, it's better than the silence and my own thoughts.

I roll my head to the side and see Grayson struggling to restrain a now kicking and still screaming Sarah. He looks to be in pain. I offer him an apologetic smile but he looks away, refusing to make eye contact with me. Though I swore years ago that I'd never let a man get to me, my heart breaks a little at the thought that I have hurt him by killing Yaty. I stare at him silently willing him to look at me but he doesn't.

"Shut her up, Gray!" Ethan snaps while still tending to a groggy Lucy who has managed to sit up.

"Ethan you cannot be serious. Look what that whore did to Ya—" Sarah manages to get out before Grayson covers her mouth with his hand.

Lucy rises to her feet using Ethan as a crutch. "Fuck, what do we do?"

"Well we can't let her live, she's seen too much," Ethan says motioning to Sarah who's eyes all but pop out of her head at the suggestion.

"E," Lucy starts. "We can't just kill her..."

"Why not?"

"Yeah why not?" I add, leaning over to pull my fruit knife from Yaty's chest and wiping the blood from the blade onto the sleeve of her dead arm.

Ethan laughs, "for once Zee and I are on the same page."

He props Lucy against the bar making sure she is steady and offers me his hand. I'm too tired and sore to argue so I gratefully accept as he pulls me to my feet. Truth be told I have been more than a little impressed with him today, and give his hand squeeze to show my gratitude. He winks out of view of Lucy and Gray, letting me know that we're finally on good terms.

"Think I preferred it when you're at each other's throats," Lucy replies sarcastically trying to pry the knife from my hand. I hold the handle tight but my knuckles are swollen and bloody making it hard to hold on. "Give it," she whispers and I let go without much argument.

"Fuck," Gray yelps as Sarah bites into his hand, momentarily causing him to let go of her mouth while still holding on to her waist.

"You don't need to kill me. I won't tell anyone. I swear. I'll go back and pretend nothing happened," Sarah pleads dropping to her knees begging for her life. "I never wanted to come here anyway. It was all Yaty's idea."

Grayson's eyes drop to the body on the floor at the mention of her name. I can't quiet read his expression. He looks like a combination of sad and shocked and I wonder if he will ever talk to me again. "Lucy just do it," I say dryly. "You know the first thing she is going to do is go back to Cam and rat us out. It's just going to give Cam another reason to want us and E and Gray dead."

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