Cigarettes and Matchbooks

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Ethan's POV

"FOR FUCK SAKE, ETHAN! Do you have a death wish?" Zee snaps at me and I wonder if I actually do.

Without answering I move my gaze to the pretty Broad just in front of her. Thank God, she's still here.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Zee snarls, her gun still pointing directly at me. Lucy's too.

Out of breath from running all the way over here I gasp for air and try to respond. "I came to talk to Lucy. I need to explain... I mean... I need her to..."

What the fuck is wrong with me? I can't even speak. Sentences Ethan. Form sentences, I tell myself as they both stare me down on the spot waiting for my reply.

"Oh my God, this is priceless. Ethan Dolan is a fumbling mess! I never thought I'd see the day," Zee laughs, letting go of the gun with one hand and using it to pick up and take a sip of her drink. Now single-handedly aiming the barrel at me.

I swear she is asking for it. Here I am breathless and fucking knackered from the sprint over here and she still won't give it a rest.

I realise how pathetic I must look right now but I have to speak to Lucy. Trying to save any remaining dignity, I take a deep breath and attempt to straighten up my tie, which I now realise I didn't even put back on. Hell, I'm only half dressed because I bolted here as soon as I could.

"Look, Zee. Don't fucking start with me. I ain't Gray and I won't put up with your bullshit. I came here to talk to Lucy and that's exactly what I will do whether you like it or not," I scowl back at her, running my hands through my hair trying to make myself look a little more presentable.

"It's ok Zee," Lucy says finally speaking. "He clearly has something to say and I want to see what he's got to say for himself."

I can't tell from her tone if she's pissed at me or not. Either way, I'm here now and this is happening.

We both look towards Zee who throws her hands in the air in defeat. "Fine! But I got shit to do up here so follow me," she spits pointing behind the bar.

I follow her and Lucy as we head to the cellar. The whole time we're walking I can't take my eyes off Lucy's ass. The dress she is wearing is tight and shows off all her curves. I am mid-thought about what I would do to her given half the chance when we come to an abrupt stop.

Zee points her finger right in my face, "If you ever tell anyone about this place you won't only have me to answer to but your brother as well." She barks as she moves an oil painting that takes up half the wall to one side and flicks a switch. Lights flicker, revealing a large tunnel system hidden behind the painting.

This must be how they sneak in their bootleg liquor. I have to admit I'm impressed.

I look at Lucy who looks at me silently asking for reassurance that I will keep my mouth shut. "You have my word, but what's this got to do with Gray?" I question.

"How do you think I sneak him in at night unnoticed?" She replies with a cheeky smile.

"Oh," I mumble. I had been wondering about that since these two had been going at it for months and no one suspects a thing. Looking at the surprised look on Lucy's face I can only assume even she wasn't aware of that part.

"You guy's can talk in here out of my way and anyone else who decides to gatecrash tonight," she adds unenthusiastically.

I follow Lucy into the tunnel as Zee pushes the painting back across, covering the opening. She leaves us with instructions on how to get back out once we're ready. Making sure to give me directions for, as she so eloquently put it, "getting the fuck out of here," by exiting via the other end of the tunnel to a side alleyway.

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