Jack lives here.

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Zee's POV

Now that Spanky's has closed for the night, well technically morning, I take the opportunity to look for Lucy. I'm still irritated from last night's conversation, and with how busy it's been today I simply haven't had the time to find her.

Quite honestly, I think she's avoiding me. I don't blame her. I know what I've been doing is wrong, but it just feels so right.

"Hey, Lucy," I blurt when I find her backstage sitting at her vanity.

She murmurs a "hey" back in response without even looking up at me. Instead, she continues to rotate a match book between her long fingers. Yeah, that one. The one that Ethan left on the table. She is adamant she has kept it because it is practical. I, on the other hand, think there's more to it.

I watch her twirl the stupid thing again and it takes all my restraint not to knock the damn thing from her hands. "Damn it, Lucy. We need to talk!" My tone sharper than I intended it to be but a good reflection of my annoyance.

It gets her interest. She finally looks up at me, curiosity in her eyes. She knows it's time we had our talk.

She leads the way out to the parlour. To a booth towards the back of the room away from the other girls milling around backstage. Hardly an ideal location for this conversation. Then again, no where is.

"Look-- " I start to explain but the bitch cuts me off.

She puts her hand up to hush me, "it's fine!"

What? Is she being serious? Surely she can't mean Gray and me?

As if reading my mind she continues. "Well, it's not fine but, you know? I know he makes you happy and that means everything to me, Zee. But for fuck sake - A DOLAN?"  she says with a smirk and shake of her head at the mention of his surname.

My eyes dart around the joint making sure everyone is out of earshot.

As if sensing my apprehension she leans across the table, "you never did take the easy route did ya? I'm super pissed you felt you couldn't tell me. But as much as I think you are an idiot, I trust you. I trust you wouldn't be taking this massive risk if it wasn't worth it."

I just sit there. For once I am actually speechless. Words fail me as I try to understand why she is being so understanding.

"Just explain something to me," she says. Oh god, here it comes I think as I brace for impact. "How can you be with him knowing that you are his side chick?" Her eyes showing concern and the smallest tint of disgust.

My heart pinches. Obviously, I don't like the fact he is with Yaty but I understand why he has to be.

"You'd be the same if Ethan had his way," I point out to her, referring to Sarah, Ethan's main.

She rolls her eyes at me but doesn't deny that she's taken an interest in him. I am about to push the Ethan topic when Kimber in all her feather boa glory bursts out of her office ending all conversations immediately.

She summons us all to gather 'round her. "Girls, you have a job to do!"

"Who's the target?" I question.

"Jack. Jack Dail." She confirms. The name sounding like acid on her tongue. "Gina's been in touch with the location of the new joint he's just purchased. It's at The Docks."

God bless Gina. We miss her terribly but she was the obvious choice to be our mole. That dame is like a ghost! She works undercover for us at The Dolette's. Feeding us any information she thinks we need to know. I have to admit, I'd consider it if it meant I got to see Gray every day. Then again, knowing us we'd be caught out in the first week since we can't keep our hands off each other.

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