A Change Of Heart

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Zee's POV

"So are we any closer to finding out who the you know who, is?" Lucy asks dryly, propping her elbow on the bar.

I pour her a drink and hand it to her and wait in anticipation for her reaction. "No. Haven't heard anything in days."

She downs the glass in one gulp. "Strawberry?" she asks licking her lips and pointing to the keg. "Where did you find strawberries?"

I smile as I pour myself a drink. It had been years since I'd even seen a strawberry let alone tasted one. I smile as the sweetness hits my lips. "Gray," I mutter quietly so no one else can hear.

She screws her face up. "You really are goofy about him, aren't you?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Of course it's a bad thing, Zee." She lowers her voice and leans forward, "he's a fucking Dolan or did you forget that?"

I can't help but laugh. "I didn't hear you complaining when you were fucking his brother last week."

She smiles, "I couldn't. I was too busy screaming his name."

I pour her another drink. "Cheeky bitch."

As she prepares to take the stage, patting down her sequined flapper dress and applying her scarlet lipstick, I look out over the crowd and see the dim glow of peoples faces, illuminated by the flames that lick at the purple lamp shades from each lamp in the centre of the tables. Each of them with a drink in their hand, waiting with baited breath. Just the way Spanky's has always has been.

I watch as one by one their eyes dart towards the stairs. There are only a few people who I know of who can turn a crowd simply by entering the room. I follow their line of sight until I spot the shine of highly polished steel capped leather shoes, as they, and the body they're carrying make their way down the stairs.

Lucy stubs out her cigarette and slides off the stool as two pairs of pin-striped pant legs walk in sync towards the bar. "Talk later Zee, it's getting a little crowded around here."

She's doing a great job at putting on a show like she's not interested but I know her too well. It's breaking her heart not being able to be with him but the bitch is too stubborn for her own good. She thinks I haven't noticed that she still keeps that damn matchbook in her dresser drawer despite using all the matches up ages ago.

She also thinks I don't see the tears in her eyes every time she has to return a gift back to him. Or every time she treats him like any other cad in this place and this time is no exception.

As the boys hit the bottom of the stairs I see a matching look of desperation in Ethan's eyes as he watches her walk off. Every inch of him looks like he wants to shout after her. He turns his gaze towards me and I shake my head reminding him it isn't a good idea. Not here. Lowering his head, Gray places a supportive hand on his shoulder and nods towards my direction.

"What's your poison boys?" I ask casually as they reach the bar.

Taking the seat that Lucy has just vacated, Ethan knocks lightly on the bench. "You're the snake charmer, you tell me?"

"I prefer buxom bootlegger, master mixer, princess of prohibition..." I quip as I slide two of my strawberry concoctions across the bar.

Gray's hand brushes against mine as he takes the glass in his hand. The slight touch of skin sends shivers down my spine. A second later it's gone and my hand feels icy cold at the loss of contact.

The boys touch glasses in cheers and raise their glasses to drink. Ethan holds his briefly to his nose and sniffs. "She didn't poison it, E," Grays smirks. "It's just strawberry."

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