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Lucy's POV

"I'll fucking kill them," I squeeze out through gritted teeth, biting down so hard that I accidentally catch the inside of my lip making it bleed and making me just that little bit more angry.

"Why would she do this?" Zee asks, her face void of expression.

Whilst on the outside this might look like a positive sign I've known Zee long enough to know that she is livid. I watch her bloodied and bruised fingers scrunch at her torn dress as she balls her hands into fists. She takes a few deep breaths, and looks to Kimber who sits motionless in the front seat, save for her nostrils which are flared similar to when Grace makes her famous stew and the smell permeates through Spanky's.

"I bought that bitch into our lives," Kimber hisses tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. "I gave her everything and this is how she repays me."

"Maybe its not what it looks like?" Zee offers, more in hope than in belief that there would be any other reason for a Broad being seen with a member of the Dolan's.

I remain quiet and watch as the two walk hand in hand to his car. I squint, hopeful that maybe we've got our wires crossed and it's not really her. Hopeful that the barely dawning light is playing tricks on us. But as they get to the car and lean their bodies against the door in a passionate embrace it starts becoming clearer. His tattooed arms covering her small frame to the point where she is almost hidden. That is until he pulls her hair back burying his face into her neck that the light hits her face. It is then that we cannot deny that the dark hair and olive skin belong to our trusted Sergeant at Arms, Frenchie.

"I'll fucking kill her," Zee says mimicking my earlier words.

"Not just her. Him too," Kimber instructs pointing to Jason as he scrambles to open the car door. Both of them fumbling into the back seat unaware of our presence.

I process my thoughts for a moment. Apart from Grace and of course Zee, I thought Frenchie was the one I could trust. After all she was the one tasked with my protection on stage and yet here she is, cavorting with the enemy. I wonder for a moment if perhaps there is nothing sinister about their relationship. If it is like Ethan and I, or Zee and Gray, rather than a double cross. But all these thoughts disappear the minute the door opens again and Cam exits.

Collectively we hold our breathes as she approaches Jason's car, which looks eerily similar to the one used to spray bullets at us a few days back. She knocks on the door and passes them an envelope through the window before looking around briefly and returning inside. I hear Zee exhale sharply as if this also confirmed her thoughts.

Jason and Frenchie don't seem to be in a rush to leave, getting back to doing whatever it was they were doing in the backseat. "Ergh! Surely they have enough rooms inside for that," Zee groans frustrated at the wait.

"Yes, but now is a good time to sneak up on them," Kimber smiles sinisterly. To which we both agree.

We plan our attack with Zee and I arguing over who is going to make the first move. "I don't care who does it, I just want them gone," Kimber spits in frustration. She's extra moody today.

"Roger that!," Zee replies straight-faced while polishing the ivory handle of her pistol on the material of her skirt.

We are about to exit the car, when another car pulls up in the car park. A tallish brunette steps out and glances briefly at the car. From the look on her face I am guessing she sees what is going on on the inside of the car as she scurries into Dolette's. "Nolan's Mrs," Kimber informs us as if we asked.

"How do y—"

"How do I know everything I know Lucy? I have sources. Sources everywhere. As they say keep your friends close, but keep you're enemies closer."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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