Never leave a man to do a woman's job

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Grayson's POV

"Jack! Lu...Lucy?" Ethan's voice strains from the confusion at seeing her here and with him of all people.

I'm just as confused as he is. I look at Lucy and Jack, and back to Ethan just waiting for someone to tell me what the hell is going on.

"What are you two doing here?" Jack questions. Nervously shuffling his feet back and forth.

Ethan doesn't take his eyes off Lucy. "Never mind us, what are you doing here?" he spits, straightening his back. His shoulders tensing.

I can tell he is pissed. And angry Ethan is not good news for anyone. I try and calm the situation down,  bringing the reason for our visit back to the top order of business.

I turn my attention back towards Jack, "what are you doing, man? Can we talk? Perhaps away from your lady friend." I suggest tilting my head towards our car in the hopes that we can do this privately.

We take a step towards the vehicle as Ethan moves alongside that Broad he's been eyeing for weeks.

Apart from Lucy's presence all seems to be going to plan when someone calls out from behind us, "the girls asked me to come see what the holdup — oh." They say, stopping abruptly as they round the corner.

It takes me a moment but I recognise that voice. I don't even need to see their face. I know who that is.

Now it's my shoulders that are tensing.

I crack my neck and turn around. Standing there, hands pressed firmly against her hips is Zee. Annoyance etched all over her face.

Surprise washes over her expression as she notices mine and Ethan's presence and I suspect that I am most likely wearing the exact same look.

What is she doing here? I ask myself knowing full well that The Broads are probably here for the same reason we are since we are all players in the same game.

I leave Jack's side, and make my way to her. Passing both Ethan and Lucy and quietly whisper in her ear, "go home Zee, we are here for Jack and we're taking him."

She snaps back, "HUMPF! Not today, Satan!" Not even attempting to hush her voice.

I am mildly amused at the turning of the tables, as I sense that her annoyance is not just that we're here to do the same job but also that I didn't come and see her after closing the other night.

Clearly two can play at that game.

I lean over to Zee again in an attempt to convince her to leave when I hear car doors slam and the sound of two separate sets of shoes on the pavement.

Fuck me.

Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse.

I shake my head. This is not how tonight was supposed to go down.

I look to Ethan for help, but he is still staring down Jack and Lucy, not yet speaking a word. Lucy is staring right back at him, while Jack looks like he is about to shit himself. And rightfully so.

The shoes stop in front of Ethan and Lucy, alongside Jack. "You said this would only take a few minutes."

Ethan doesn't even bother looking at the figure. When he speaks his voice is flat, void of any emotion. "I know, Dol. But I'm gonna need a bit longer. Now take Yaty and go back to the car please, Sarah."

Lucy, who I have come to learn is not as innocent as she looks, can't seem to keep her mouth shut, "yeah, Sarah. I think it's best that you leave."

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