Not without me

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Lucy's POV

I pull Zee to my side, "what the fuck was that?"

"We need to talk," she mutters under her breath, not taking her eyes off the floor as people scramble to get away from both the smoke and Kimber, who is on a rampage.

"You think?" I reply sarcastically as I watch the Dolan's make their way up the stairs.

Zee grabs my arm and leads me to the back of the room. "Lucy...I"

"Zee, someone just tried to kill me!" I say, my voice trembling ever so slightly. The weight of the situation only just sinking in. I take a few sharp breaths and slump heavily against the wall.

Zee's eyes continue to dart around the room as Kimber orders Babyface Steff around with a broom and Shantel to mop up the spilt drinks. Grace, in true form, is making sure the regulars are okay. Settling them with a free drink and a bowl of our infamous house-special wings.

Kimber, who is also giving Frenchie the third degree about what just happened looks to Zee, who places a supportive hand on my arm as if comforting me. The gesture appeases Kimber who goes back to Frenchie. "Not just you, Ethan too," she whispers.

"What? When?" I exclaim a little too loudly. Anger rather than fear washing over me.

"Before," she says more quietly than ever. "They poisoned my mix, Lucy. Contaminated it with cherries. Apparently, he is allergic."

I squeeze my hands into tightly bound fists. "Well, is he okay?"

"Okay? Did you see the way he lept over the tables for you?"

I can't help but smile. He was like a gazelle. "I did."

"Yeah, well stop smiling. Because you're not the only one. Everyone did. They're gonna start asking questions about you two."

I exhale loudly. She's right. But there is nothing going on between us. I mean how can there be? He's a Dolan and I'm a Broad. Zee and Gray seem to make it work... at least on the outside. Plus I still don't trust his intentions. I'm just another Dolette to him and that's all I'll ever be. Even if he did just risk his life to save me.

"What do we do?" I ask partly in desperation, partly to distract myself from my weakening resolve for the older Dolan.

She turns to face me. Leaning her shoulder on the wall. Two words that I never thought I would hear her speak, fall from her lips. "We leave."


"You heard me, Lucy. It's too dangerous here. Gray and I have had enough. We need out. We WANT out. Before it's too late..."

If I wasn't angry before, I am now. "And what the fuck am I meant to do here? Hang out and become besties with Baby Face and give blow jobs in the parking lot?" I hiss, watching as Steff continues to sweep the floor.

She puts her free hand on my arm. "Calm your garter girl."

I think twice about ripping her hand off and crushing her fingers. Zee is no pushover, and she certainly wouldn't hesitate like Ethan did in crushing mine back. "We want you and Ethan to come with us."

"Ethan and I? Me and Ethan?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yes," she whispers. "But it's too dangerous to talk here. Let's go outside."

With everyone back in their seats and the mess cleaned up, the next girl prepares to take the stage. Melanie pats down her dress and hitches up her boobs as she makes her way from backstage and the lights once again dim. "Good luck topping my act, hotsy-totsy," I think as I follow Zee to the stairs.

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