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Grayson's POV

I get out the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. My face and chest are red and blotchy. A reaction from how hot I had the water. I couldn't help it though, no matter how much I turned the tap, and how hot the water got, it wasn't enough to get Cam's words out of my head.

I try to reason with myself. I'm clearly paranoid over this whole mole situation and now it's got to the point where I'm paranoid over my own fucking sister. There's no chance she'd be involved. I'd get it if it was just the Broads that were targeted, even that's risky though considering the truce, but surely not us too.

I focus my thoughts on something else and make my way back to my room to get dry and change into some fresh clothes. I've had enough of being wet today.

I walk into the room only to see Ethan sitting on my bed. He is a mess but he is smiling. I raise my brow, "you good, Bro?"


"You do remember that someone tried to kill us before, right?" I ask, still unable to get the thought of nearly losing Ethan earlier from my head. Something which he doesn't look to have given much thought to.

"How could I forget?" he mutters, the smile briefly leaving his face. "We're not the only ones either... "

"What? The mole tried again?" My heart begins to race. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah. Fortunately not everyone's aim is as good as Lucy's," he says, absentmindedly rubbing his arm where she grazed him with her bullet not too long ago.

I breathe a sigh of relief. "So, judging by your mood things went well?"

"A gentleman never kisses and tells, Gray."

"I don't see any gentlemen around here," I tease pulling a fresh undershirt over my head.

He ignores my insult and continues, "but we're in."


"Yes, Gray. We're. As in the both of us."

I smile out of pure relief. There was no way I was leaving without Ethan the same as there was no way that Zee would leave without Lucy. "Good. We should all get together and make plans," I reply, not wanting to waste another minute.

He nods. I look at him. He is still wearing his wet clothes. Well, they're dry now but between them and his hair, he looks pretty dishevelled. "The sooner, the better," I add.

He rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna hit the showers then let's go talk to Cam. Assuming you didn't see her earlier?"

"Yeah, about that......" I mutter as he walks out of the room.

Ethan's POV

I lean my head against the tiles of the shower while the water beats against my skin. What a day. First, someone tries to poison me, then they try to blow up Lucy. Then the breaks on the car, Lucy and the tunnel, and now? Now, Grayson tells me he thinks Cam is in on this whole thing. I swear that kid has a great imagination.

I'm almost done when Gray strolls casually into the bathroom. "You ready, E?"

"Ever heard of privacy, Gray?"

"Shut up! The girls will be home soon. If we wanna catch Cam we've got to do it now."

I groan in annoyance. He's right. We might have been a little preoccupied of late with this whole mole situation, and while Sarah and Yaty have been gone more and more in the last few weeks, we still never do business in front of them. I turn off the tap. 'Bro, hand me a towel."

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