No turning back.

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Grayson's POV:

"We're what now?" Zee blurts reactively. "You can't be serious, Gray?..." her voice fading as she fixes her confused eyes on mine. I offer her a reassuring look and open my mouth to speak before my assclown brother interrupts.

"—You heard, Zee. It's been decided," he grins with a slight cockiness as he places his hand confidently on the bar.

I turn back to Zee, "we've got it all planned out, Dol. E and I have been concocting this plan for hours. It's all figured out and it's genius!" I find myself bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Why the change of heart?" Lucy questions. Looking straight past me to Ethan.

"Yeah, why the change of heart, Gray?" Zee asks again. "We had it all planned out. You, me, the road trips," she says, her volume raising with each word. "We were going to have a normal life with the white picket fence and kids... Geez! We even talked about having children, GRAY! We were leaving this all behind..." my heart prangs as she trails off deflated. I swear I see a tiny tear form in the corner of her eye as the words roll out of her mouth.

She blinks quickly and starts making her way over to me. Any sign of the tear completely gone as anger takes over. She jabs her index finger into my chest, "SO TELL ME, GRAYSON. WHY THE FUCKING CHANGE OF HEART?!"

I quickly glance over to Ethan in the hopes of reinforcement but he seems to be enjoying the show too much to want to jump to my rescue although he does head around to the bar.

"ANSWER ME!" she screams in my face forcing me to look back at her.

Her anger takes me by surprise. Sure I've seen her angry plenty of times before but she's always so cool and calculated with it. This? This is rage. This is pure unfiltered emotion.

Ethan's POV:

"ANSWER ME!" Zee shrieks in Grayson's face. Gray stares back at her like a deer in the headlights but says nothing. He looks over to me, pleding for help.

He needs to stop being a little bitch, honestly.

I look down and see Zee balling her tiny hands into fists and as much as it would give me a kick to see her sock it to Gray I decide to step in. "OI! ZEE!" I yell standing from my seat joining before Gray and Lucy behind the bar. My voice echoes through the vastly empty room. Admittedly, it's a lot louder than I had anticipated but it seems to do the trick as everyone, including Zee, stops in their tracks and looks at me. Even Lucy looks a little surprised, perhaps even impressed at my control.

"Good. Now that I have your attention. Sit the fuck down and calm your tits!" I instruct pointing to the Broads. "You're both gonna need a drink - trust me," I add lowering my tone.

Slowly they make their way back over to the public side of the bar. Gray leads the way, grateful for the excuse to escape a raging Zee. He sits down first. A slight puff of air escaping his lips as he plonks down on the stool.

Next is Lucy. She heads back around the bar and I point out the seat she was just at so we can continue to sit side by side. Of course she looks me dead in the eye and sits in the next one over as if to prove a point. Although, she still leaves an empty seat next to her.

Zee is last. Finally storming her way over but instead of sitting she heads straight for me. "Get your ass from behind my bar boy if you know what's good for you," she threatens with a wiggle of her finger.

I flash her my award winning smile. "Oh seeing as you're up here, Zee, I'll have my usual please," I tease taking the seat between Gray and Lucy.

Lucy and Gray let out a laugh and I feel the mood lighten somewhat. Zee closes her eyes and shakes her head in mock frustration, nonetheless taking her position behind the bar. "So a strawberry daiquiri then?" She jokes. I glare at her, but recognize that as being her way of agreeing to hear us out.

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