Chapter 1

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A young teen girl walking in a blur. Her appearance captured in mind. Darkish olive skin, tall, well rounded, long dark hair trailing at her waist as her eyes twinkle with brightness as she smiles walking through the clouds.

Everything was white. The girl was only in view. It looked like heaven, but what could she be possible here for?

"Ella Dabon," a whispered echo in the air. It's soft melody voice soothes through the air.

Ella Dabon? Confusion ripple through the windows of the brain's viewpoint.

Soon a goddess appeared. There was no other way to describe her than radiant and pure.

She glowed with an halo above her head, long white dress draping down her body as she floated among the clouds. None other than the Moon Goddess herself, the creator of the werewolves.

"Keep her within your home and your empire will triumph and prosper. That child is the key to prevent your empire from crashing down," the goddess whispered.

"Ella Dabon" voices whispered around echoing.

The feeling of falling occurred.

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