Chapter 23

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Colton's POV

"Ella, Colton sweetie wake up."

The gently shaking awakened my alert. My eyes shot open as my wolf instincts took over taking in the scent of my mate and parents as I took my sight in. I was still in the homework lounge room. I shifted to sit up but the weight on me made me freeze. Looking down at the angelic girl squished into my side with her upper body laid upon mine, her coconut scented curls sprawled out in front of her face as her head rested on my chest. It brought a smile to my lips as I remembered our horror movie night.

It was about 12:30am when we finished our homework and decided on what movies to watch due to our restlessness.

Ella came out the kitchen with snacks and popcorn flooded in her arms dumping them on the couch and sat beside me with her legs crossed applesauce on the couch.
She was really close, the closest she's been near me since our kiss.
My heart sped up as I tried to keep my cool.

I looked down at her and chuckled.
"What! Leave me alone! I get a little scared sometimes, okay!"

"It's absolutely fine. The big bad wolf is here to protect you," I winked at her putting my arm around her shoulder as she pushed it off immediately laughing.

I don't even remember finishing the first movie before knocking out. That's honestly the best sleep I've gotten in weeks.


I looked up to find my mother and father staring at me intently with mixed reactions.


I smiled slowly at them sheepishly imagining how this must look to them.

Hey, with my track record not that bad because we were surrounded by books in a pile on the floor and candy on the couch so it wasn't as bad as it seemed and nothing happened as much as Eliot despises.

"My office now." My father muttered in a low tone which I unfortunately heard due to werewolf hearing.

I nodded as I slowly lifted the beauty up and slid out swiftly placing a pillow in my spot to rest her head.

My father was already out the room probably half way up the stairs to his office.

"I'll wake her up and clean up here," my mom whispered softly with a smile.

"Thanks," I replied kissing her on her cheek.

"Good luck love," she said reaching up to ruffle my hair.

I internally groaned and stride out the room jogging up the stairs dreading my father.

I walked in and closed the door softly behind me. He was already behind his computer in his chair and pointed to the chairs across from him.

I lowered myself in one and stared at his poker face. It was hard to read this man sometimes but I observed him all my life and picked up on a few things.

He cleared his throat.

"Is Ella your mate?"

I froze not expecting that. I assumed he'd lectured me about not getting intimately involved with the human girl, how she's precious and important to the packs safety, and not to treat girls as sex objects, yada yada yada.


"Huh? Yeah?" I snapped out of my zone out. I was at a lost, I didn't know whether or not to lie.

"Answer me Colton. Is Ella Dabon your mate?"

I nodded my head slowly looking down as he sighed.

"Why didn't you tell us? Why'd you hide it for? Does she know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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